Page 25 of Sweet Refuge

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Laith rushed to embrace him. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly, checking Tillman for wounds. “Did you get shot?”

Tillman shook his head, still catching his breath. “I’m okay.” He cupped Laith’s face in both hands. “But we have to go, now. We can’t be sure they’re the only ones out here.”

Taking Laith’s hand, Tillman—who was very naked—led him quickly down the rocky outcropping. Laith’s mind was reeling, but he followed without hesitation. As frightening as it had been, Tillman had saved them. Protected him.

And Laith knew then, without a shred of doubt, that he would follow this man—this bear—anywhere.

The hike back to the house was a blur of adrenaline and fear, both of them staying silent as they made their way through the now-menacing forest. Laith couldn’t believe what had just happened. The hunters, the fight, Tillman’s shift... It was all too much to process.

Finally, they stumbled through the back door. Laith slammed the door shut and locked it, slumping against the wall with a shuddering breath.

Tillman flipped on every light in the kitchen then opened a drawer and retrieved a first aid kit. “Strip,” he ordered gruffly, gesturing to a chair.

Laith did as he was told, not even caring about modesty anymore. Why should he? Tillman was naked from his shift and they’d already had sex, so there was no reason to be modest.

His hands trembled as he peeled off his shirt and jeans, revealing his boxers beneath. He sat down, heart hammering in his chest.

Tillman knelt in front of him, gently probing at Laith’s side. That was when Laith realized he’d been shot. “Oh my god!”

Chapter Eight

“Calm down. It’s just a graze,” Tillman said, his voice steady.

Laith didn’t feel as confident. How had he not realized before now that he’d been shot?

Tillman pressed a gauze pad against the wound to staunch the flow of blood as Laith bit down on his lip, wincing at the sting.

“I’m...I’m okay,” he managed through gritted teeth. “Just... just patch me up so I don’t bleed out.”

“You’re not going to bleed out, sweetheart.” Tillman went to work cleaning and bandaging the wound, his movements efficient but gentle despite his shaking hands.

When he finished, he leaned back on his haunches. “I’m going to call Sheriff Harper. He needs to know about the bodies we left behind.”

Laith cursed. Not only because of what had just happened but because, once again, their amazing night together had been ruined. “Have you always had problems with hunters?”

“Every now and again.” Tillman stood then left the kitchen. When he returned, he was fully dressed. He also was on his cell phone. Laith assumed his mate was talking to the sheriff.

When Tillman hung up, he let out a sigh. “Sheriff Harper is on his way.”

“Are you going to get into trouble for killing those men?”

“No.” Tillman shook his head. “Sheriff Harper is a bear shifter. His deputies are shifters, too. Not bears, but I don’t hold that against them.”

Despite the gravity of the situation, Laith smiled. “I’m not going to ask what kind of shifters. I’m already lightweight freaking out right now.”

Laith took a deep breath, steadying himself. Whatever happened next, they would face it together. Tillman chuckled as he sat on the chair beside Laith. “Lions, cheetah, and a polar bear.”

Laith snorted then winced at the pain it caused. “I thought I said I didn’t want to know.”

“Better to rip the bandage off.” Tillman kissed the top of Laith’s head. “You okay? I can carry you to bed if you want.”

“I’m fine. I’d rather not move much, though.” Laith looked up at him, his eyes welling with unshed tears. “I…I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there.”

Tillman cupped his cheek. “I’ll always protect you, Laith,” he vowed. His eyes darkened, reflecting the moonlight streaming in through the window. “I...” He trailed off, as if unsure of what to say next.

Laith reached up to take his hand. “Thank you for tonight,” he said simply.

Tillman smiled softly and squeezed his fingers. “No. Thank you.” He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Laith’s forehead. “For being my own personal shooting star.”
