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Cadence scoffed. “Well, that’s vague.”

I smirked at her blunt honesty, but I was quickly sobered by the answer to her implied question.

“The Bloodblade is a powerful weapon that decimates its enemies. It’s unstoppable—fatal.”

It made me sick to think someone could’ve used it against my mother. No witch should die by such a cowardly weapon. Kai spoke and pulled me from my thoughts.

“If a siphon covered the Bloodbade’s tracks, there’s no way to know if it’s actually in use or if the vampires are involved at all.”

“Unless we look for ourselves,” I said. A plan brewed in my head. “If it’s missing, we would know they’re involved.”

“Freya,” Ryder snapped. “It’s kept in the vaults of their castle! That’s way too risky. You know we can’t follow you there.”

Still overprotective and telling me what I can’t do.

“He’s right,” Kai said. “We can’t afford to break our treaty, especially without proof of foul play. A vampire hasn’t stepped foot on our territory in centuries and vice versa.”

“I’ll go with her,” Walker offered.

Ryder scoffed.

“How are you even involved again?” he asked.

“The murders were pinned on me,” Walker explained. “I need to clear my name to survive. I have just as much stake in this as any of you.”

Cadence stared at her brother in horror. Walker noticed and blanched.

Stupid Ryder.

There’d been no need to frighten the little girl with the full truth.

“It’s a very brave offer,” Kai said to Walker, “but how much help can you provide? I know you haven’t been trained, hunter. Without that, you’re just a human.”

Walker touched his holster. It wasn’t a threatening gesture, but a display of memory. I doubted he’d ever shot anyone. What he’d done would stick with him.

“I nearly killed the head of the dark witches,” Walker said. “I might be good for something. If nothing else, I make a great human shield.”

His lack of survival instincts continued to astound me, but Kai looked at him with reluctant admiration. Even Ryder had no quick-witted retort.

“Well then,” Kai said. “It’s decided. You two will travel into the heart of the bloodsuckers’ lair.”

Cadence laughed and waved a finger.

“Two?” she questioned. “I believe there are three of us here. Sir.”

“Cady,” Walker said. “It won’t be safe.”

“And leaving me with a bunch of werewolves will be?” she pushed. “Or better yet, leaving me to undoubtedly escape said-werewolves, travel through the woods alone, again, and then face a bunch of vampires will be? I’m going with you.”

Walker chewed on his lower lip. I didn’t envy the decision he had to make. Not only did Cadence’s speech hold merit, but her eyes were wide with desperation. Now that she knew the danger her brother faced, she wanted to cling to him even more.

“I’ll think about it,” he finally said.

Kai threw his green napkin over his plate and rose. He looked at each of us then spoke to Walker.

“Whatever you decide, you should know we would protect your sister with our lives, were she to stay here.”

Walker swallowed and nodded. “Thank you.”

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