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Kai took a swig of water and spoke.

“The dark witches are obviously involved, but they’re in no way powerful enough to be causing such damage.”

Freya nodded, and Cadence continued to munch happily on her food.

“Yeah,” Ryder agreed. “Within a few minutes, we wiped the floor with them.”

“You know who I suspect,” Kai said.

Freya sighed. “The vampires.”

I choked on my food, and even Cadence paused her eating spree.

“Vampires?” I said, then muttered, “of course those exist. Why wouldn’t they?”

Kai tossed his head back and laughed. Ryder rolled his eyes. I wondered how the apple fell so terribly far from the tree.

“Like actual bloodsuckers?” Cadence asked.

“Yes,” Kai answered with no small amount of disgust. “They’re horrible things created only to take life.”

“And they’ll do anything for power,” Freya added. “Including kill a few witches. I asked the Elders to investigate them, and they said they were clean.”

“They’re never clean,” Ryder snapped.

Freya rolled her eyes at him. I mulled over what they’d discussed.

“They wanted to start a fight between you,” I looked at Freya, “and the werewolves, then take down both of you when you’re weakened.”

“Exactly,” Freya agreed. She smiled. “You’re picking up on supernatural politics pretty quickly, cowboy.”

“Thanks, witch.”

Chapter Twelve


As we considered all the problems we faced, the air grew heavier. I’d known someone had attacked my coven, but I hadn’t considered that it could’ve been to incite a war. Such a thing would draw the attention of not only the High Witch, but all the supernatural Leaders. Their attention was something we tried to avoid. They were law and law meant blood. We would all pay for letting such chaos brew, regardless of whose side we were on.

“If the vampires are bold enough to stir such trouble,” I mused, “they could be bold enough to free the Bloodblade.”

Ryder’s fork paused on its way to his mouth, and his gaze met mine across the table.

“It only ever leaves a single bone,” I said. Tears pricked my eyes. “That’s—that’s all that was left of her.”

“But such a thing would’ve left a huge echo,” Ryder argued.

“Not if its wielder was powerful enough to erase it,” I said. “A siphon could’ve done it.”

“Does anyone in your coven have that sort of power?” Kai asked.

“Not that I know of,” I admitted, “but my coven has given me reason to doubt the truth.”

Walker held up his hand. If we hadn’t been discussing a potential war, I would’ve laughed. We weren’t in high school.

“What’s a Bloodblade?” he asked.

“Something you never want to encounter,” I answered.

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