Page 96 of No Freaking Way

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And when we finished, the weirdest thing happened. I was so overloaded with pleasure, so blissed out that I felt the urge to tell him that I loved him.

Thankfully I didn’t. How weird would that have been, confessing my love for him right after we finished masturbating together on FaceTime?

But my feelings that night were real. They still are.

I’m certain that I’m falling in love with Tyler.

“Hard to believe Tyler was the responsible one that night,” Becca says, pulling me back to the present moment.

“Ha yeah.”

“He’s so into you,” she says, smiling. “Whenever he looks at you, he looks totally smitten.”

“Really?” My tone is so hopeful.

She nods. “Tori, he’s totally in love with you. Even Gage thinks so. He said he’s never seen his brother act this way with anyone before.”

I’m certain I’m grinning like an idiot.

“I think I’m in love with him, Bec,” I say in a quiet voice. “I know it’s only been a couple of months of us being together, but this feels so different from anything I’ve experienced before.”

Becca nods along, understanding in her bright blue eyes.

“I get it. I knew I was in love with Gage after just a few months of being with him. Sometimes it takes people years to fall in love, others months, other weeks, others days. It’s different for everyone and the length doesn’t matter. When you know, you know.”

“That’s exactly how I feel.”

Becca hugs me again. When she lets me go, she grabs her champagne glass and hands me mine.

“To my best friend falling in love.”

I chuckle at her sweet toast and clink my glass against hers.

“I adore Tyler, but I never knew he would be such a perfect boyfriend,” she says.

“He really is. He’s so attentive and doting. He makes me my favorite sandwiches every time we’re together. When we go to bed, he does this adorable thing where he tucks me in first and makes sure the covers are extra snug around me because he knows I like to feel like I’m in a cocoon when I sleep. And he always brings me a fresh glass of water too because he knows how I get thirsty in the middle of the night.”

Becca clutches her chest with her free hand and says, “Aww!”

I clear my throat as I grab the champagne bottle and top off my flute. “And he, um, helped me cross off every item on my sex list. And then some.”

Becca’s eyes go wide. “Seriously?”

I nod as I take a long sip. Becca’s jaw drops even as she smiles. “Okay, I always suspected Tyler was dynamite in bed for as much as he dated. Now that it’s confirmed…”

She taps her glass against mine and I fall back against the couch laughing.

“He’s just…” I shake my head, processing it all. “I just can’t believe it. Like, it seems so easy. Falling in love with my best friend. Who also happens to be a demon in the sack.”

Becca laughs while mid-sip. I gently smack her on the back while she coughs.

“Crap, sorry, Bec.”

She shakes her head, smiling as she coughs. “Don’t apologize. That was totally worth coughing up expensive champagne.”

She gets a dreamy look in her eyes. “Oh my gosh, Tori! What if you and Tyler get married?! Then we’ll be best friends and business partners and in-laws!”

She lets out a squeal. I laugh and hold up a hand.

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