Page 49 of No Freaking Way

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Gage steps toward him, but Tyler holds him back with a hand on his shoulder. My eyes go wide. Gage looks like he’s going to tear this guy’s face off with his bare hands.

“Easy, bro,” Tyler says.

I glance back just in time to see Becca fall off the bull. She’s giggling into the thick cushioned mats that line the base of the pen where the mechanical bull is. I’m relieved to see she was so focused on riding that she missed this entire scene.

When I turn back, the creep seems to register that six guys who are bigger than him all look ready to kick his ass.

He steps back and holds up his hands. “Sorry. I didn’t realize these ladies were spoken for.”

“That doesn’t fucking matter,” Theo bites. “You shouldn’t be harassing any women, single or not.”

The creep squints at him and his teammates. “Hey, don’t you guys play for the Bashers?”

Theo scowls at him. “Yeah. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

The creep stumbles back. “Okay, I’m sorry,” he says defensively.

Tyler steps forward and grabs the guy by his shirt, holding him still. “Apologize to her.”

“I-I’m sorry,” he says to me.

I nod once, still shocked to see this protective side of Tyler.

“Erase the video you took of my friend,” I say after a second.

The guy fumbles with his phone.

Gage glowers at him. “Show me.”

The guy holds up his phone with a shaky hand. “See? The video’s gone. I’m sorry, okay?”

Tyler lets the guy go and he scurries off.

Tyler turns back to me. His eyebrows crash together and those mahogany eyes scan my face. Like he’s looking me over to see if I’m hurt.

“Are you okay?” His tone is gentle and worried at the same time. It makes my heart beat faster and my skin tingle.

A wave of comfort washes over me. A faint pulse lands between my thighs.

Seeing Tyler this protective over me has triggered something…I’m not quite sure what it is, but my body really, really likes it.

I nod until I can get my voice to work. “Yeah,” I say in a breathy voice.

Just then Gage throws open the door to the pen and heads over to Becca. She giggles as he gently helps her up. He wraps an arm around her and carefully swipes her long blonde hair out of her face before leading her out.

“Baby! You’re here! Did you see me? Did you see how long I lasted on the bull?” she says sweetly.

The intensity in Gage’s expression melts away as he looks at her.

A gentle smile tugs at his lips. “I saw, angel. You were amazing.”

He kisses her forehead. We all head back to our table. When Maya, Ingrid, Millie, and the rest of the ladies see me walk up with the guys, they squeal in delight.

“What are you guys doing here?” Maya asks the guys to pull a few extra chairs up to the table.

Theo sits down next to her and kisses her.

“Crashing your bachelorette party,” he teases, grabbing the drink out of her hand and taking a sip.

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