Page 39 of His Damaged Purpose

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“What are we doing?” I asked, wanting to see if my suspicions were right before getting my hopes up too much.

“Ultrasound,” he said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow. “It’s not too soon?” The only information I found on the machines online had to do with human gestation. That wasn’t what we were looking at, and it was easy to forget how different things were for humans.

“Not with how fast cubs grow. We’ll be able to see how they’re doing. We won’t be able to determine sex yet, but I kinda think that should be a surprise, don’t you?”

I grinned, lifted his hand, and kissed his knuckles. “That sounds like a great idea.”

Mortimer was inside the front office with his sort-of mate Jonas, the two of them arguing over where they should put the flowers Jonas had just brought in. Mortimer thought they should be where all the patients could see, and Jonas thought they would get knocked over there. I had a feeling they were both right.

Upon seeing us they switched gears and Jonas was asking to do the ultrasound. It was all I could do not to break out in laughter. They were the epitome of goals.

“Can I play with the fancy tool today?” Jonas asked. I don’t think I’d ever seen an elderly man put on a begging face like a toddler, but Jonas did it well.

“You’re not trained to play with the fancy tool. You are not a doctor,” Mortimer reminded him.

Jonas crossed his arms. “Technically, you didn’t graduate from medical school either.”

Mortimer rolled his eyes. “I got closer than you did.”

“All you do is wave that wand around. It’s not like it takes a lot of skill.”

I didn’t think that was accurate, ultrasound technology was certainly not that simple, but given I was confident with either of them, I didn’t have a side.

In the end, Mortimer won. At least I thought he did. We’d find out during the actual test.

Pol laid down on the bed and pulled up his shirt. Mortimer squirted a bit of warm gel onto his belly. And lo and behold, he wiggled the wand around a little bit and there was an image of our perfect child on the screen. It didn’t even look like the blobs I’d seen on the internet. The image was so much clearer than that. I was blown away.

“You are, in fact, expecting, Not that there was any doubt of that,” Mortimer said. “We cannot tell the sex quite yet. It’s a little early.”

“We don’t want to know that anyway,” I said.

“That’s fine. If we do another ultrasound, we’ll keep that in mind. Be sure to remind me. I am an old man, after all.”

“Not too old,” Jonas said with a wink toward me.

I was happy for them, but also, I didn’t really want to hear about it. Or maybe I did because it was a glimpse at my possible future.

“Pol, you are feeling quite well?”

“No complaints. I am a little tired and some foods just don’t taste the same to me, but other than that I feel normal.”

I gave him a look.

“Fine, and I threw up a few times.”

Mortimer laughed, not at being sick, but at the way we interacted.

“That’s good—including being sick. It means your hormones are doing their job.” He wiped the gel off my mate’s belly and offered him a hand to help him sit up. “Trust your body, rest when you need to rest. If you need to speak with Morgan about having someone take over your classes, now is the time.”

Mortimer gave us some vitamins for Pol to take each day and printed a few of the pictures of our little one. I couldn’t help but stare in awe at the beautiful image of our little child, proof of our meeting, of our love, of our perseverance.

Our future right there in black and white.

I kissed my mate’s cheek. “I don’t know that I can even express in words how incredibly happy I am,” I said.

He squeezed my hand. “I feel it, mate. I am just as happy as you are.”
