Page 24 of His Damaged Purpose

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“Is he in there now?” another voice asked.

At least it wasn’t Jerome and his Betas. That had to mean something.

“Only one way to find out,” the man called out. “This is Steelwick Enforcer Pack, representative of the council. Silas, if you are in there, please exit with your hands where we can see them.” The loud command echoed through the cave.

Time had run out. At least it was Steelwick that found me and not my Alpha and his Betas or people on their behalf. Of all the scenarios, this was far from the worst.

I got to my feet, pain almost bringing me to my knees.

“I’m on my way. I promise. I’m injured.” I didn’t want them to think I wasn’t complying. That could lead to things turning south pretty quickly.

I walked—hobbled out of the cave. I put my hands up in a surrender gesture the best I could while maintaining my balance. Thankfully they were patient. When I finally made it outside, I found three shifters waiting for me—two alphas and an omega. All of them focused on me, ready to pounce if I so much as flinched the wrong way. There was no mistaking that they had already been convinced that I was guilty.

“I am Silas,” I said. “I surrender, but I did not hurt Nathan. I have been wrongfully accused—”

“That’s something you can tell us when we get you back to our territory. Get on the ground,” the apparent leader commanded.

I didn’t think they understood just how injured I was. Getting on the ground wasn’t as easy as that. Still, I slowly began to obey.

“Let me talk to Pol,” I pleaded. “He can tell you.”

“We don’t know who that is,” one of them said. “You have an order.”

I managed to get all the way down, my knee giving out halfway and making the journey quite a bit faster than it should’ve been.

“Silas, you are under arrest. Please put your hands behind your back,” another ordered.

It took me a few tries to manage to contort my arms where they wanted them. I hadn’t attempted to move in that way since the injury. My body wasn’t nearly as healed as I thought it was. He grabbed me roughly, pushing me around.

So much for them being the good and compassionate shifters I’d heard them to be. And it wasn’t fair for me to judge them so harshly. For all they knew I was an abusive alpha-hole. But still, it had the tiny smidgeon of hope I had flittering away.

I winced in pain, a slight yelp escaping my lips. “My leg,” I said. “I can’t walk well. It was broken and hasn’t healed right.”

“We’ll take that into consideration,” he said. At least there was that. Or so I thought.

He yanked me up and back onto my feet, the pain nearly unbearable. This time real tears began to fall. He gave me a few seconds to recover, and I thought all would be good and that he saw how true my words were.

Once again, I was wrong.

A few seconds later he pushed me forward as if he did not care about my injury at all. Of course, he didn’t. To him, I was a man who had beaten an omega near to death and hid out in the forest like a criminal. It most certainly didn’t scream innocence.

“I would like to speak to my omega,” I said. I didn’t want to give away any more information than that. If they didn’t know that Pol had been here, then I didn’t want to be the one to rat him out. But also, how did they not know him? Didn’t Steelwick work with Asilo?

“In due time,” he said.

To the others he called, “Once we have him subdued, we’ll call Morgan, let him know that we were here and we found the fugitive alpha hiding out on his territory. He’ll want to know so he can have extra patrols set up.”

“Sure things, boss,” the other said.

None of them looked at me like I was anything but a criminal, and I couldn’t blame them. As far as they knew, I was a shitty alpha who used his position and power to hurt an omega.

I had no idea how far we were from whatever transportation they had that would take me to the council or wherever I went to be tried for the crimes I was accused of, but I did know that I wouldn’t be able to walk there. Not without help.

Beckett’s phone rang and he stepped where I couldn’t hear him. He mentioned calling Morgan, would he talk to him? Tell him where I was? Would Pol have to tell Morgan about me?

It was only ten minutes into our walk that the alpha who appeared to be the leader of the operation stopped me. Each step had been more painful than the next, and I was pushing myself too hard. As bad as my leg had been when we started, this trip was making it exponentially worse.

“You can’t walk any better on that leg?”
