Page 83 of Evidence of Truth

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But now was not the time for vengeance. He had to be strong. Anne and Silas needed him.

The yelling and shouting was background noise. He knew the others would take care of Jenkins.

He bent down and touched his fingers to her neck. Yes! She was breathing. Killian gently touched her head. She groaned. He untied her feet. Her eyelids flickered, and in a moment, he was looking into her blue eyes filled with pain.

“Killian,” she whispered. “I knew you’d come.” Then she started crying. “Silas? Is he okay?”

“Silas is fine. Luke took him to the hospital where I’m taking you.”

“Thank God.”

He picked her up in his arms. Jenkins was on his knees in the living room. Joe pointed a gun at him.

“Grab the duffle,” Anne murmured.

“What, sweetheart?”

“Duffle, grab,” she insisted.

Killian looked around the kitchen and didn’t see a duffle bag. “Hank, do you see a duffle bag over there?”

Hank looked around, found it behind a chair and picked it up. “This one?”

Anne nodded.

“Bring it with you,” Killian called out to Hank, who gave him a thumbs-up.

Killian scooped up Anne. His blood boiled as he raced to his truck. The image of Anne lying on the ground, still tied to a chair, surrounded by garbage, was burned into his mind. He was glad to be out of the cabin. Killian took several deep breaths to calm the rage in his gut threatening to break free. He wanted to pummel Jenkins until he took his last breath. It was a good thing Anne needed him more.

The rest could deal with Jenkins and the police. The drive to the hospital was a blur. Anne cried out several times on the uneven, bumpy road until she fell into a fitful sleep.

Finally, they arrived at the emergency room. Anne was whisked away to a bed as Killian blocked out the noise of the beeping machines and distant conversations. The nurse took over and closed the curtain since Killian wasn’t immediate family. That hurt.

Killian went to find Luke and Silas and found them in the waiting room.

“Mr. Killian. Mr. Killian. Over here,” shouted Silas.

Silas had a couple of Band-Aids on his arm, but otherwise, he looked fine. Killian felt the tension ease from his body. Silas was okay. Anne would be okay. They got to them just in time.

“I’m guessing everything went well,” asked Luke.

Killian nodded. “Anne is being looked at, but I know she’s going to want to see Silas.”

“Is Anne okay?” asked the little boy, his voice filled with concern.

“Anne is fine. A couple of bumps and bruises. We’ll see her in a few minutes,” said Killian. He scooched down in front of Silas. “You are so brave. I’m very proud of you.”

“I was scared,” whispered Silas.

Killian gave him a small smile. “I was too.”

The doors to the waiting room opened. Killian turned and saw Sam and the guys walking in. The air crackled with tension. They spotted Killian and walked over.

“Everything settled?” Killian asked.

Joe nodded. He looked at Silas and said to Killian, “We’ll talk later.” Killian wondered what that meant. He’d find out soon enough.

They waited impatiently for a half hour until a nurse came out looking for them, informing them Anne was stable and they still had to do more tests, but she was asking about Silas. Killian and Sam brought Silas back. Silas raced into her open arms. A shot of pain flashed in her face. Silas never noticed. He wept in her arms. Anne held him tight and kissed his head.

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