Page 388 of The Devil's Fire

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“Your daughter? Apparently, she’s my daughter too! And you hid her away from me for twenty-five fucking years, you damned woman!” He shouted and a tense silence fell over the room. He was seething with anger, but his eyes showed how much he was hurting.

My mother was taken aback by his outburst, and we all shared in the shock of witnessing his unexpected explosion of emotions.

My mother then turned her gaze toward Damiano with furrowed brows.

“You told him?” She asked.

“I did.” Damiano replied unapologetically.

“That was not your business to tell.” She hissed, and Damiano’s eyes darkened in response.

“Oh, but it was when your daughter got kidnapped by the man you let her believe was her father.” His voice dropped ominously.

“I found the small treasure chest in your room, and the note from Nestor to meet him at the LuxePalace. I went to meet him.” I quickly interjected.

“Alone?” My mother’s face drained of color, and I nodded in response. “Althaia!” She scolded, furious with me.

“Yeah, no need to be mad at me about it. Damiano already went bat shit crazy on me for it.” I muttered. “What I mean is, it wasn’t my first time meeting Alexei, and I told him about you. Then, I guess at some point, he went and dug up your casket.” I elaborated.

“Of course, he fucking did.” My mother scoffed, and I raised my brows in surprise. My mother never cursed, which was why we were never allowed to do so under her roof. She had made that clear many times, and often with her wooden spoon.

“Mamá, is it really true that he’s...?” I trailed off, even though I had already heard it several times, wanting confirmation from my mother. Her gaze softened as she held my hands in hers and let out a sigh.

“Yes. He is your biological father.” She confirmed.

I let out a breath and turned to look at Alexei. He, too, gazed at me as if I were unreal.

I could understand why no one would ever have suspected he was my biological father instead of Gaetano. We looked nothing alike.

His eyes were blue, mine were green.

His skin was light, mine was tan.

I resemble my mother entirely in terms of looks, which made me wonder if I had inherited anything from him at all. Then something suddenly crossed my mind.

“Ew!” I blurted out, and my expression contorted with disgust before I could control it. Alexei appeared deeply offended.

“What? Would you prefer that stupid Italian man as your father?” Alexei’s Russian accent grew heavier as he frowned at me. “It’s bad enough you’re married to an Italian.” He continued, which caused Damiano and his men to send him menacing glares.

“Watch your mouth, Vasiliev. You’re already on thin ice.” Damiano almost growled, but Alexei ignored him, still looking offended, which almost made me want to laugh.

“I didn’t mean it that way. I just remembered you telling me how I resembled one of your old lovers. That’s pretty disturbing now.”

“You said what?!” My mother and Damiano erupted in fury.

“How was I supposed to know she was my daughter? I was intrigued when I saw her, and not in a nasty way. She looks exactly like you did at her age, and it piqued my curiosity.” He shrugged.

My mouth formed an ‘o’ as I wondered if that was where my curiosity stemmed from.

“Other than the looks, you’re nothing alike. Althaia is pure-hearted, innocent, and bright. But you!” He pointed at my mother with a growl. “You are one crazy woman who tried to kill me! But it’s okay. I can see the years haven’t treated you well, you old woman.” Alexei grinned, a satisfied expression on his face as my mother shot him a deadly glare.

“Who are you calling old, you dusty man?!” She erupted, and I gasped as she threw a knife at him. Once again, Nestor had to intervene and push Alexei out of the way when he stubbornly refused to move.

“Are you really going to let her get you again?” Nestor sighed and shook his head. Then Alexei began speaking rapidly in Russian. Whatever he was saying, my mother’s eyes narrowed.

Then she started to speak in Russian.

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

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