Page 347 of The Devil's Fire

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“Papá -” I began, but he raised his hand to stop and silence me, his jaw clenched.

“Don’t you ever call me that.” He hissed out.

“What?” I breathed out when he looked at me with so much disgust.

I glanced behind him, noting Maso and Carlos present, both wearing the same expression. My heartbeat accelerated, and my breathing grew louder at the sight of Carlos.

“You son of a bitch!” I screamed, lunging at him with the intention of smashing his head repeatedly into the wall.

I felt it coming before I saw it, and the next moment, I found myself on the ground. Blinking, I tried to clear my blurry sight, and the entire right side of my face stung with pain as my father backhanded me before I could reach Carlos.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Cara yelled at him, rushing to my side. I spat, the taste of blood filling my mouth. Before I could catch my breath, I cried out in pain as I got kicked in the back.

“You filthy Russian!” Carlos laughed, and I whimpered in pain as he kicked me again.

“Don’t touch her!” Cara punched his face, causing his head to snap back from the force.

I stumbled to my feet as Carlos turned his hateful glare toward her. He pulled his hand back, about to hit her, when Maso grabbed his arm. No words were exchanged, but Maso’s warning glare spoke volumes.

Carlos scoffed at him before ripping his arm away. I glanced down at the floor, grabbed my fallen heel, and threw it at Carlos’s head. Satisfaction filled me when he winced and grabbed his head.

“You little -” He hissed and pulled out his gun, aiming it at me.

“Enough, Carlos. We can’t use her if she’s dead.” My father intervened, placing his hand on the gun and forcing Carlos to lower it.

I took a couple of steps back, bringing Cara with me.

“Count your days, you filthy Russian.” Carlos spat out.

“I don’t understand.” I frowned, looking at them in confusion. My father gestured for Carlos and Maso to leave, and he clasped his hands behind his back before facing me.

“You should ask that woman you call a mother. Oh, right… I forgot I got rid of her.” He chuckled, making me take a sharp intake of breath and grasp onto Cara’s arm. Tears filled my eyes, my heart pounded in my chest, and my legs were a second away from collapsing.

“It was you? You - you killed mom?”

“I should have gotten rid of her a long time ago for all the betrayals. But at least she was useful to me in the end—just like how you’re going to be useful to me in getting what I want.” His face transformed into a cunning expression.

“Although, it would be rude of me to take all the credit for it when it was Michael who made it happen. He was a great kid. A good asset. Such a shame I had to get rid of him as well when he stuck his nose in business that didn’t concern him.” He sighed as if genuinely saddened, but the malicious grin on his lips revealed the opposite.

Cara screamed at him while I felt numb at his words. My mother, my baby, Damiano, and now Michael. He had taken away everyone I cared about.

I closed my eyes. I felt sick and suffocated.

“You’re a dead man walking. He’s going to kill you.” I spat out, clenching my hands into fists as I glared at him.

“And who’s going to kill me? That dead husband of yours?” Gaetano asked, mockingly.

“You sick bastard!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and lunged towards him.

He let out a chilling laugh and closed the door before I could reach him. I banged my fists against the door, kicking it, while I screamed for him to come back so I could kill him with my bare hands.

“It’s no use.” This time, it was Cara’s turn to pull me away from the door. I was breathing heavily, and my mind was spinning out of control.

“He took everything away from me!” A choked-up sob escaped me, and I broke down crying, unable to keep it together.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Cara sniffed as she held me tightly in her embrace. “This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t told you to come to that stupid engagement party. And mom would still be alive! I was being selfish because I knew it would piss them off if you showed up… That’s what I wanted, after all those damn years of them making me miserable. I’m really sorry, Thaia, I shouldn’t have…” Cara’s eyes filled with guilt as she looked at me, heartbroken.

“No, no. It’s not your fault.” I shook my head, holding her tightly as she cried into me, my own tears never-ending as well.

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