Page 346 of The Devil's Fire

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“Damiano! No!” I heard her scream before her voice disappeared.

I struggled to get up; my body was completely heavy. I felt paralyzed and powerless as I lay there.

“Althaia… I’m sorry…” My sight went blurry, and I was met with darkness.

one hundred nine



A small groan escaped my lips. I felt groggy and completely disoriented. Nausea washed over me, and my eyelids were heavy when I tried to open them.

“Althaia, please wake up.” Cara’s voice sounded clear, shaking me, and I pushed myself to open my eyes despite their heaviness.

“… I don’t feel too good.” I whispered as she helped me sit up. Resting my head against the wall, I slowly blinked and looked around. It seemed like we were in a small basement room with a tiny lightbulb barely giving any light. There was an annoying, faint sound of water dripping somewhere.

Where the fuck are we?

“Are you okay?”

I blinked a couple of times and looked at Cara. Her hair was a complete mess, and it looked like she had been through hell.

“I… what happened -” I stopped breathing as everything rushed back to me.

Dario. Blood. Fighting.

“Damiano!” My eyes widened, and I suddenly felt suffocated. The images of Damiano getting shot and lying still on the ground flooded my mind.

Tears started to stream down my face while Cara, in a panic, tried to make me snap out of it.

“Breathe! Please, breathe!” Her voice shook, tears glistening in her eyes. I finally gasped, air filling my lungs as I clutched tightly onto her arms.

“Damiano… they shot Damiano!” I choked out. My entire body was trembling as the image of him getting shot repeatedly played in my mind.

“What…?” Cara breathed out, tears leaving her eyes.

“My God, they shot him!” I cried out, clutching my chest, my heart ached as it shattered into a million pieces.

My love, my life, my everything—the man who was supposed to be the father of my children.

“…He’s dead…” I whispered through sobs. Cara stumbled to her feet in shock, clutching her head as she paced the room.

“No… this can’t be happening… he can’t be dead. This is not happening!” She shouted in frustration. Racing to the door, she banged on it violently while screaming.

“You fuckers! You can’t be doing this! You made me miserable for years. You don’t get to do this to me again!” Cara screamed at the top of her lungs, unleashing all her frustrations on the door.

I wiped my tears away, took a deep breath, and shakily stood up. My body felt heavy, as if gravity was pulling me down. But I couldn’t afford to sit here and wallow in self-pity. We had to take action to get out of this situation. All those hours Damiano had spent training me needed to be put to use now.

I exhaled, attempting to clear my head. I had to figure out what to do.

Just like he taught me.

“Cara!” I pulled her away from the door before she could hurt herself, wrapping her in a tight hug. It was her turn to sob, and I gulped down the sob that threatened to escape me. Crying wouldn’t help anyone.

“It’s going to be okay… we’ll be okay.” I kept telling her, trying to convince myself too.

Both of our heads snapped to face the door as we heard it unlock. My father stepped inside, staring at me with cold, cunning eyes that held an abundance of hatred.

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