Page 137 of Knot Tied

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The movie easily distracts my attention. Settled against my mate, I relax so fully that when the doorbell rings, my body jerks.

“They’re here!” I say, straightening up immediately. Next moment, a cramp goes through my knee, making me sink back into the couch.

“Rory, relax,” Seth says, getting to his feet. “I’ll get the door.”

I nod, struggling to rub my knee. It’s become a difficult feat since my swollen belly barely allows me to bend down anymore.

Breathing hard, I try to get over the uncomfortable sensations in my body and look toward the hallway that leads to the front door. Sounds of heavy footsteps reach my ear followed by familiar voices.

“Hey, hey!” Oliver’s loud voice comes into the room as he steps in. “Did someone order donuts?”

I struggle against the couch but finally, get to my feet. “You’re soaked!” I cry, hurrying toward him. “You need to change out of your clothes right now.”

“Sure, but first...” He holds up a huge Krispy Jelly box.

Excitement surges through me at the sight. “Thank you!” I gush, hugging him tightly.

Laughter rumbles in his chest as he drops a kiss on my head.

“There’s more,” Simon’s voice distracts me. Looking up, I see that Simon’s holding up a box from Happy Burger, a local joint, that makes my favorite burgers. “We picked up their breakfast menu on the way back.”

“Oh, that’s amazing!” I cheer, moving toward him and hugging him. “Thanks so much for the amazing food!”

Simon laughs. “Anything for our darling,” he says, capturing my lips.

“I’ll take the food and you guys go and get changed,” Seth says.

“Fine,” Oliver mumbles, handing the box of donuts to him and moving toward the staircase.

“Let’s go into the kitchen,” Seth says as Simon follows behind Oliver.

“They’ve brought so much food,” I say, feeling inexplicably happy.

A warm look comes over Seth as he loads up a plate with food. “Just tell us what you want, love. We’ll buy anything you want to eat.”

“How about sashimi from that expensive Japanese restaurant I love?” I say with a challenging grin.

“Raw fish isn’t good for you right now,” he says, pushing the plate toward me. “Don’t you remember Dr. Hall telling you that?”

“Right,” I say, having forgotten all about it. All my attention goes to the glistening donuts on my plate. Picking one up, I take a big bite. “Mmm,” I moan as warm raspberry jelly trickles down my chin. “It’s so, so good!”

“It’s worth driving through rain and thunder to watch this expression of hers,” Oliver’s voice speaks out.

“Come on, you guys,” I say, chewing through the delicious morsel. “Have them while they’re warm.”

My mates gather around me. There’s very little talk as everyone grabs their favorite food from the boxes.

Happiness soars in my heart. There’s nothing better than spending these moments with my mates. The babies kick happily but I don’t mind them. I know they’re just as excited as me to have their dads.

“So, what do you want for breakfast?” Seth asks after a while.

A hint of self-embarrassment flickers through me. It’s crazy to even think about breakfast when I’ve just eaten a big meal, but when a few hours pass by, I know I’ll be hungry again.

“I’ll eat whatever you make me,” I whisper as heat spreads on my cheeks.

Oliver and Simon chuckle.

“Don’t look like that,” Simon says with a warm look in his blue eyes. “You must eat to keep the twins strong and healthy.”

“They’re demanding little critters,” Oliver says, bending down to kiss my belly. “And, Daddy loves you for it.”

I start laughing but stop myself. If I laugh too hard, my bladder will make me run to the bathroom again.

Even though pregnancy makes me uncomfortable, I’d still not give it up for anything. I love the babies growing in my belly and I can’t wait to meet them!

Living with Seth, Oliver, and Simon has brought me so much happiness, that I rarely dwell on the mistakes and horrors of my past. The arrival of my babies has further chased away the shadows that lurked in my heart.

This is my happy beginning, I tell myself as love and warmth surge through me. As long as my mates are with me, I know I can chase all my dreams.
