Page 84 of First Touch

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Thea must realize something is wrong by now. She’s probably worried to death. I never meant to be in this situation. This work was supposed to be less dangerous than the special ops shit. It’s supposed to be information gathering, not life or death.

I can’t leave her this way. I don’t ever want her to be alone, my sweet Sunshine. This will devastate her, and I won’t be there to fix it. She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve anything bad that’s happened to her and I’m going to traumatize her even more if I can’t get out of here.

“She’ll forgive you.” A woman’s voice sings from somewhere.

“What?” I sputter out, stretching my neck as far as I can to look around me, but I don’t see anyone. My hands strain against the ropes behind my back. I’ve tried for hours already to free myself, but it’s no use. It’s too tight and there’s a chain around my ankles.

“She knows you wouldn’t leave her on purpose. Just like I didn’t,” the soft voice whispers.

My eyes squeeze painfully shut. My mind is trying to recall the voice, but at the same time, it knows. I shake my head trying to erase the delusion rattling me.

“I’m glad you found happiness, my sweet boy.” The voice fades right past my ear and the implication makes me choke back another sob. My mom. I miss my mom.

I lost her and my life was empty from that day on. Until I met Thea.

I can’t lose her, too. I finally have the life I always wanted.

My head hangs heavily in front of me. It’s too late. I can’t make it much longer. My body aches and my limbs have lost their circulation. I can’t get out of this. I’m going to lose everything.

“Hold on, sweetie. Keep holding on.” A mere whisper in the wind is all I hear.

A door squeaks open from the opposite side of the barn, snapping my head to attention. The motherfucker walks toward me with the cockiest grin on his face. I want to kill him. I’ve never needed to kill anyone like I need to kill him.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.” Kyle stops walking, folding his arms over his chest. “How nice to see you, Jay.”

Okay, he doesn’t know my real name. That’s a good sign. If he knew I was undercover, I’d probably be dead already.

“Where’s Curtis? Is he dead?”

“Curtis? You need to worry about yourself.” He smirks, making me grit my teeth. I can’t wait to get my hands on him.

“What do you want?”

“I want you dead,” he shouts. I don’t even flinch. “But, Uncle Tommy says I need to make you sweat so I can get information,” he scoffs, referring to Jameson.

“Information about what? I don’t know anything.” I hang my head, acting defeated for his sake.

“We know you’ve been hanging out around Curtis. We know he’s a snitch. We already had to show the old guy a lesson when he wouldn’t talk, so be careful,” he warns.

“You beat Dennis?”

“No, Derrick and Mitch took care of that. I went after Curtis, but I lost him. He was my ticket. I tried to make money. Uncle Tommy said I needed to show commitment and pay my dues before I could be one of his main guys, but your slut of a girlfriend fired me,” he yells. My blood boils at his insult against Thea, but I try desperately to keep my cool. Reacting will only give him fuel.

“Then he said if I brought Curtis to him, he’d make me VP, but he lied. He still wants to know who else Curtis snitched to before he makes me official.” He pulls a switchblade out of his pocket, flipping the blade out. “So, you’re going to tell me.”

He points the knife at me but stays at a measurable distance. He’s still afraid to get within arms reach of me even though I am tied up. I shrug, “I don’t know what you mean.”

Kyle steps towards me, slapping me across the face, then quickly stepping back. Pussy.

“You do know! Tell me!” He yells so hard that spit flies out of his mouth. It still doesn’t faze me.

“I don’t know anything.” My calm demeanor is pissing him off more and my statement is true. I don’t know if Curtis snitched to anyone. He might’ve confided in Dennis, but I wasn’t a part of that. I think the leak is all in Jameson’s head. He’s paranoid and mentally unstable.

“That’s alright.” Kyle shrugs. “I guess I’ll just go visit Miss Wolfe. See if I can get some information from her. I always thought she was hot. Maybe, I’ll fuck the information out of her. I’ve always wanted to shoot a load right onto her little glasses.”

My blood ignites. Before I can control my reaction, I’m pushing my body through the air and colliding with Kyle while I’m still chained to the chair. “Mother Fucker!” I yell, not caring that I just fucked myself. If my hands were free, I’d beat him until he bled to death.

Kyle manages to push me off of him so he can stand, leaving me lying on the dirt floor. He shoots me another cocky smile before he starts kicking me, repeatedly. He kicks me in the stomach, in the ribs, my shins, and lastly, my head. The world around me spins, making me lose all sense of up and down and what’s happening in front of me.
