Page 61 of First Touch

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“What can I do for you?” I realize exactly who this is, but also know that I shouldn’t.

“I want to discuss your whereabouts last night. My name is Jackson Malec, I’m the Rollins County Sheriff,” he states plainly, no thrill to his voice. He doesn’t seem overly proud of his position, there’s no ego behind his introduction, purely professional.

“I was here, anything else?”

“I’ve been keeping an eye out for suspicious vehicles heading up into the foothills and your truck was up there last night. Now it’s out here and you don’t live here. Not in this town, not in this house. I want to know what’s going on at that old farm.”

Fuck, this guy is going to screw everything up. A million different scenarios run through my mind within a few seconds. Leaving this guy in the dark was high on my list, but if these bombs are going to be a big problem like I think then it might be good to clue in the local Sheriff.

It’s not my call though and I could get in a shit ton of trouble, but at this point, I’d rather be safe than sorry. The local authorities would be closer than my team if shit does go down and I need to make sure I get through this unscathed. I’m not getting killed, not when I just found Thea.

I glance up and down the street, making sure we’re not being watched, and take a step back. “Come in, Trooper.”

His eyebrows furrow at the use of his past title. “You know who I am?” He asks, eyeing the living space around me.

“I know a lot, Sheriff. We have a mutual acquaintance from Whitewater,” I explain, handing him the framed photo Thea keeps next to her couch.

“I’m working for the Army Criminal Investigations Unit. Special Sergeant Jesse Callahan. Nathan Wolfe is a friend of mine.”

He doesn’t give much away and he definitely doesn’t trust me, but he shakes my hand anyway. That’s a start.

Chapter Thirty


The day flew by, my mood was through the roof after confessing the darkest of my secrets last night. The weight of my past has been lifted from my shoulders and in its place is a newfound excitement for my life.

My joy was felt because story time was a hoot. The kids talked me into reading an extra (but very short) story. I didn’t even realize how late Jesse was until he strolled in through the doors and straight to his meeting.

He threw me a wink across the library, and as if it was heard, Latisha came running at me as soon as he disappeared into the meeting room. She grilled me for information so long that I ended up confessing all the newest details. I spent the better part of an hour telling her what I could about Jesse and our relationship, though I did refer to him as Jay.

By the time I was ready to leave, I knew his meeting was almost over, so I stayed near my car. I’m not sure why, I figured he would come to my house right after, but I didn’t want to go any longer than necessary without seeing him. I’ve got it bad.

Leaning against my car door, I watch the side door to the meeting room open and some guys file out. Jesse is one of the last ones, holding back the younger guy I’ve seen him with a few times. I can’t hear what they’re talking about, but I can tell it’s serious, so I try not to stare. It isn’t until the shouting starts that I can’t look away.

“Man, don’t tell me what to do! I’m a fuck up, I know, but I can do something now. I can fix this!” The young guy shouts, pounding on his chest with agitation.

Jesse’s response is too normal toned to hear, but I can tell from his body language that he’s frustrated. The young guy tries to go around him, but Jesse blocks his path, putting his hands up as if he’s trying to make peace.

Dennis, the one who runs the meeting and is also one of our part-time employees, comes out the side door to intervene. He ushers the young guy back inside with little difficulty, leaving Jesse to stare at the closing door.

He turns toward where his truck is parked right behind my car and spots me. His hands rub across his face and through his hair as he walks toward me as if he’s physically switching personas. He rights his hat as he reaches me and it makes my knees weak.

He’s so casually masculine. He doesn’t even need to try and he’s mouth-watering. I want to take the leap and kiss him so badly but I know I’m not ready. The anticipation is killing me but I ignore the butterflies in my stomach since he’s obviously distressed about something.

“Sorry, you had to see that.”

“Is everything okay?” I ask, fully prepared that he probably can’t or won’t tell me.

“No, it’s not, but I hope it will be eventually.” He shrugs, letting me know that’s all I’m going to get.

“You ready to go home?”

He smiles and I melt under it. “Yeah, but first we need to go to the hardware store.” He motions for me to follow him. “Come on, Sunshine. I’ll drive.”

* * *

After getting my paint samples, neither of us was ready for our errand to be over so we rode the long way around town with the windows down. For the moment, everything was okay. He wasn’t thinking about his work problems and I wasn’t the girl who’s terrified of being close to him.
