Page 92 of Trusting Forever

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“I want that, too.” Then I was scooped into his arms, straddling his lap as he kissed me. The rest of the world fell away as I got lost in him.

Eventually, he softened the kisses and pulled back.

“I can’t believe you want to get married.” I felt elated, happier than I’d ever been.

“You think it’s too soon?”

I took stock of my feelings, the exhilaration at his question, the joy at his expression of love for me. “Not at all. I just thought it was too soon for you. I wasn’t expecting it.”

“Those are the best kinds of surprises.”

“I have to agree,” I said, as I admired the simple diamond ring he’d chosen for me.

“I wanted to be alone tonight, but I also wanted to include Ember. I wanted you to know that she helped me pick out the ring, along with Knox.”

“That’s sweet.”

The sound of a golf cart moving over the lane reached our ears. “I asked Knox to bring Ember so that she could be part of this.”

“That’s sweet.” Happiness bubbled inside of me.

“You don’t mind?” Sebastian asked.

I shook my head. “Of course not. I want to share this with her, too.”

When the golf cart pulled up to us, Ember hopped out. “Did she say yes?”

Sebastian grinned. “She did.”

Ember surprised me by hugging both of us. We were laughing and crying when Knox said gruffly, “Congratulations. You deserve this.”

Sebastian stood, disentangling himself from me and Ember. They embraced, and Knox said, “I’ll leave you alone.”

“Thank you,” I said to Knox, “for everything.”

“Anytime,” he said with a grin as he took off in the golf cart.

Ember grabbed my hand so she could examine the ring. “It’s so shiny.”

“It’s the lights.” It added a magical quality to the evening.

Music began to play from speakers that must have been on the poles he’d added.

“Will you dance with me?” Sebastian asked us.

I took his hand, the other settling on his arm, while Ember stood between us. She stepped onto his toes and wrapped her arms around his waist. It must have been something they’d done many times before, because she didn’t hesitate to move into position.

We swayed with the music. I couldn’t be as close to Sebastian as I wanted, but it was perfect. All I ever wanted was to be part of this family, and now I was.

“I love you,” Sebastian said.

I grinned, my cheeks hurting from the cold and the joy emanating inside me. “I love you, too.”

Just as he leaned down to kiss me, Ember popped off his feet and ran to the blankets to bury her head in them. “No kissing.”

Sebastian grinned. “You better get used to it because I won’t be able to resist kissing Hanna all the time, now that we’re engaged.”

Ember groaned as his lips met mine, and everything around us faded away.

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