Page 88 of Trusting Forever

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“You’re going to wear a path in the wood floors,” Mom chided.

“What if she says no?”

Ember rolled her eyes and sighed. “She’s not going to say no.”

I stopped my pacing so I could see her face. “How can you be so sure?”

Ember shrugged. “Hanna loves us.”

That might have been true, but even love had its limits. What if having an ex hanging around was too much for Hanna? What if my reaction to Brandy was a deal-breaker? What if everything I’d done to fix the situation wasn’t enough? What if I was too late?

“Stop it. I can practically see your brain smoking from here,” Mom said.

“I can’t help it.” Everything was done, and we had nothing to do but wait for the time I needed to leave to pick up Hanna.

My fingers trembled as I ran them through my hair.

“I think you have to remember what you feel for Hanna and know that it’s enough. You can’t control other people and their reactions, but you can put your feelings out there and know that whatever happens is meant to be.”

“I feel like we’re meant to be.”

“Then why are you so nervous?” Ember asked, sounding older than her seven years.

“I don’t know. Maybe because I’ve never put myself out there like this before?”

Mom nodded. “You’ve always been cautious, so slow to make a decision. It was a good thing when your brothers were jumping impulsively from one thing to the next. I didn’t need to worry about you. But it has made it difficult for you to make decisions over the years.”

“I know I’m doing the right thing; I’m just worried that she won’t think so. That it will be too soon or too much.”

“I don’t think there are rules about love. If it’s the right time, she’ll say yes. And if you feel in your heart that it’s right, then it is.”

“So, you’re saying I should stop worrying about how she’ll react?”


“Dad, it’s time.” Ember nodded toward the clock.

I moved closer to her and dropped to my knees in front of her. “I’ll pick her up and take her on the carriage ride. Knox will bring you for the proposal.”

Ember rolled her eyes. “I know. We’ve talked about this.”

“Just making sure.” Before I stood, I asked, “You know I love you, right?”

“I know.” Then she smiled. “You’ve got this, Dad. There’s no way she’ll say no.”

I stood and ruffled her hair. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Kids could make things so simple. They brushed the extraneous things out of the way and focused on what mattered.

“Love you, Mom,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

Then I was out the door, the air cooling my overheated body. I thought about what I felt for Hanna and let those feelings engulf me. Our feelings were what mattered. As long as I was acting within those parameters, I’d be fine.

I drove toward Hanna’s parents’ house, hoping it was the last time she’d stay the night. I knocked on the door, holding another bouquet of flowers for Hanna.

Her father opened the door and stepped onto the porch.

“Is everything okay?”

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