Page 82 of Trusting Forever

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“Thanks, Dad.” I got up and hugged him. There was nothing like coming home to the love of my parents. They always had my back.

I pulled away and stood. “I’m going to bed early, and I hope that tomorrow will be a better day.”

“I’m going to need some help to bake cookies tomorrow,” Mom said, sipping her tea.

“Count me in,” I said with a smile as I kissed her cheek. “Good night.”

I grabbed my overnight bag and went upstairs to my room. I shut the door, taking in the familiar posters on the wall, the pink-and-white ruffled comforter, and the desk littered with various honor roll certificates and awards.

My parents hadn’t changed anything since I left, and it was a little unnerving. I could close my eyes and pretend I was back in high school, harboring a crush on my best friend.

The only difference was that I knew what it was like to be with him, and it was so much worse. I loved him, and I wasn’t sure how I’d get over it if we broke up. On the other hand, if I stayed, things with Brandy would need to change.

But I couldn’t make demands. Sebastian had to realize all those things for himself, and I wasn’t sure he would. He’d always given in to Brandy, hopeful she’d come back and be in Ember’s life. But I saw her for what she was: an opportunist who played on Sebastian’s goodwill to get what she wanted. As soon as he gave it to her, she’d be gone, and Ember would be hurt.

My heart ached for Ember. I didn’t want that for her. She needed stability and love. Not someone who showed up to get money from her father. Eventually, Ember would realize what was going on, and it would hurt even more.

Ember had her father, her grandmother, her uncles, and now me. I just hoped Sebastian could see all of that.

I changed into pajamas, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed. I felt like a little girl again under the ruffled comforter. I wanted to be in Sebastian’s bed, sated after a night of lovemaking, looking forward to spending the holidays together.

Now I was sleeping in my childhood bedroom and ruminating over my past mistakes. I’d come full circle, and I didn’t like it.

* * *

The next morning, I woke disorientated. I was used to waking in Sebastian’s arms, and the bed felt small, too small.

When I opened my eyes, everything came flooding back to me. The wonderful evening with the Monroe family, Sebastian kissing me behind the display, and then Brandy showing up.

I wanted to say she destroyed everything, but she didn’t. It was Sebastian’s reaction, or lack thereof, to her appearance that prompted me to gather my things and leave. I couldn’t be in the same house as Brandy.

Not when she’d always hated my presence. It was like she didn’t want Sebastian, but I couldn’t have him either. He was supposed to be single forever. If I stuck around, I wasn’t sure how she’d react, but it wouldn’t be good for Ember.

I’d always take care of that little girl. If removing myself was the best thing for her, then I’d do it, no matter how much it hurt.

The last text on my phone was the one from Sebastian asking to talk and me putting him off because I was talking to my father.

Are you sure that’s a good idea? Maybe you should concentrate on Brandy’s visit and Ember.

I told Brandy she couldn’t stay here anymore.

What did that mean? Had he kicked her out or told her that she couldn’t stay at his cabin in the future? The difference mattered to me.

Will you be home today? We’d like to bring you something.

My heart twinged. Was he giving me my present now? Before Christmas? So that he didn’t have to deal with me anymore? Would he be spending the holiday with Brandy?

I knew he didn’t want Brandy, but the thought of her living in the cabin, sleeping in the guest room, and eating breakfast with them was too much. Like Brandy said, they were Ember’s family. I wasn’t.

I’ll be baking with Mom for most of the day.

See you soon.

I worried about what he was bringing me the rest of the morning while I showered and ate breakfast, then rolled out the dough with Mom. My stomach knotted tighter and tighter as the day drew on.

When the doorbell finally rang, I jumped.

“Is it for you?” Mom asked, her brow raised.

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