Page 72 of Trusting Forever

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“I can also discuss the cabin, why you moved from town to here, and how it’s working out.” It was a simple story. Not too revealing. Although I had a feeling the brothers talking about their vow to move back home and take care of their parents would draw more people in.

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“I’ll need to talk to Talon next. He said he was willing to do it.”

“He’s used to magazines doing write-ups about his work. But I have a feeling he’s not honest with them. He’s surface level.”

How deep did Marley want me to get with the blog? “I think Marley wants some tidbit to draw people in, to personalize your family. But nothing too private.”

“You don’t know Marley. She believes that she’s been successful in her online business because she’s honest with her customers. She did a live video when she talked about her relationship with Heath. I don’t know that I could be that vulnerable.”

“You have been with me and Ember lately. You were honest with us about your fears and your feelings. Your wants and desires.”

“That’s not the same as telling random strangers online. Anyone can search for that article and read more about my life.”

“I don’t think people outside the community would be interested, but I suppose that’s true. I’ll let you look at it before we hit publish. Is that okay?”

“I’d appreciate that,” Sebastian said as his shoulders lowered.

He was worried about what people would think. He was analyzing the possible ramifications. I couldn’t blame him, but I had a feeling this blog would be helpful for the farm. “I should say something about the puppies. Marley mentioned that they’ve become quite popular and that people ask about them.”

“Marley insists they have red bows on their collars when the farm is open. She calls it their uniform.”

“It’s adorable. Have you thought about getting a puppy for Ember?” I snuggled into his side.

“No. How would we take care of it? I work long hours, and she’s too young to handle feeding him.”

“I think you underestimate her. It would be good for her to feed a dog and make sure he or she has water. Besides, I’m here to help.”

Sebastian let out a breath, and I wondered if he was still worried about us. That something could come between us and fracture what we were building. I didn’t think it was possible, but it would take time for Sebastian to possess the same confidence.

“We’ve had a lot of changes, what with the new cabin, you moving in, and now us dating.”

“I can understand that.” But Ember would love a puppy. She deserved to have everything.

I opened a new document on my computer and wrote down everything Sebastian told me. I wasn’t sure how I’d make it into a final article. I hadn’t written anything like this in years.

I’d worked as a reporter in college and high school. I never intended to become a journalist, but I could frame a simple blog post. I just needed to think about what the theme should be. Single dad making it on his own? Sebastian wouldn’t like that. Brothers vowing to take care of family? Coming back to where it all began? I brainstormed ideas until my head hurt.

“Are you ready for bed?” Sebastian asked a little while later, a glint in his eye.

I set my laptop aside and took his hand. “I could be persuaded.”

“I have plans for you,” Sebastian said as he led the way up the stairs and into his bedroom.

We ended up in his bed every night, and I’d stopped sneaking out at four a.m. Ember didn’t come into Sebastian’s room during the night or even early in the morning. I usually met them in the kitchen after I’d showered and gotten ready for work. Other than the public displays of affection, nothing had changed.

But my heart was soaring throughout the day. I loved that I was free to touch or kiss him whenever the mood struck me, and I adored that he was texting more throughout the day, discussing what we wanted to eat for dinner, what was going on at work, and what our plans were for the evening.

It felt like a real relationship, but Christmas was rapidly approaching. Would we spend the holidays with his family, or would we split up? Our relationship was so new.

I wanted to be with him and Ember, but I wanted to see my family, too. I just hoped I could make it work.

A few nights before Christmas, we finally walked through the light display on the farm. The family had talked about holding a private showing, but it kept getting delayed. We were too tired the day we skated at the ice rink, and then we had other obligations. Ember and Addy had concerts and activities at school, and the farm was busier than usual.

All good things, but it meant that it was harder to find time for the Monroe family to spend together. I was starting to see why family was so important to them. Time together was at a premium.

We walked hand-in-hand down the lane, the lights on either side of us. I’d heard that visitors were impressed with the display and that Talon had more planned for next year. Being here was research for our interview about his story for the blog. I had a feeling there was a history behind his creations, and I wanted to share that with everyone.

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