Page 61 of Trusting Forever

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When Hanna saw the snacks, she said, “Lori texted to say she’s bringing sandwiches for the kids.”


I handed the snacks to Hanna and grabbed the skates from the garage. I’d purchased them when I got the idea for the rink. We walked, and Ember ran ahead of us. The snow from the storm had mostly melted, except for a few spots.

When we stepped through the trees that surrounded the ice, it was empty. The pillows and blankets from our date last night were still there. I hoped Ember didn’t ask any more questions about it. I wasn’t prepared to answer them yet.

We put on our skates and took a turn on the ice before everyone showed up. I didn’t need to worry about food because everyone had brought something. I held hands with Ember until Addy showed up, and then the two of them took off on their own.

I saw the women descend on Hanna, so I gave them space. We hadn’t discussed what we’d share with everyone else other than Ember, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about her disclosing the intimate details of our relationship.

Hanna was private, so I suspected she wouldn’t reveal much, if anything. I saw Hanna smile a few times and drop her head back to laugh at something. Otherwise, I couldn’t even tell if she was talking about us.

We stopped for lunch, letting the girls eat on the blankets while the guys stood off to the side.

I received concerned looks, but thankfully, no one confronted me about my request. Knox and Cole were in charge of the farm for the day, so I didn’t have to worry about him saying anything.

“You want to do a family walk-through of the lights and then a bonfire back at the main house?” Heath asked.

Now that most of my brothers had paired off, they were more willing to do family events. It started with Ember and then expanded as more people were added to the fold.

“Ember would love it. But we might have to head out early. She and Addy had a sleepover last night.”

“How’d that go?” Heath asked with a glint in his eye.

I knew what he was asking, but I avoided answering him directly. “Knox said the girls were up late but must have fallen asleep at some point. But then, he was asleep, so I’m not sure he’s the best source of information.”

“Stand down, Daddy,” Heath chided. “Knox is great with the girls. I’m sure they were fine.”

I just shook my head, even though I knew he was right. I trusted Knox and the rest of my brothers with Ember.

“But I was asking about your date with—” and then he mouthed the word, “Hanna,” while he pointed his hot chocolate in her direction.

My jaw tightened. “I told you I didn’t want to talk about it.”

Heath snorted. “You don’t get to get out of it that easily. We helped you build this rink with the sole purpose—”

I shot him a look.

He smirked but lowered his voice. “Of wooing your girl.”

Emmett’s lips stretched into a rare smile. “You owe it to us.”

He loved it when he wasn’t the center of attention.

“It was nice.” I remembered back over the evening, her fainting, and me taking care of her. Her surprise when she saw the ice rink hidden behind the trees. How the evening had progressed from kissing to so much more. How we’d gone from friends to lovers in a matter of a few hours. It was fast. Too fast.

I’d pumped the brakes when Ember came home this morning. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I knew I was making the right decision when it came to my daughter.

Emmett winced, and Heath smacked my shoulder hard enough to sting. “Nice?”

“I thought your text said—” Heath pulled out his phone and scanned through the messages.

“We’re together but not telling Ember about it yet,” I interjected.

“But nice? If you guys are better off as friends—” Emmett began.

I flinched. “That’s not it. I’m just worried about how it will affect Ember. I have to think of her first.”

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