Page 55 of Trusting Forever

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I woke up earlier than usual to a quiet house. The only sound was Sebastian’s breathing. I missed the sound of Sebastian making Ember breakfast in the morning, but watching him sleep was everything.

Last night, we fell asleep on the couch, and at some point, Sebastian woke me up so that we could go to bed. As soon as we settled into bed, we reached for each other. No talking was necessary. We knew what we wanted. We had one night without Ember, and we were going to make the most out of it. It was slow and sweet. We held hands while he made love to me.

I was falling for him. There was something about our connection that was deeper than anything else I’d ever felt, and it had everything to do with our underlying friendship.

Sebastian’s even breathing faltered, and he said, “You’re watching me.”

My lips curled into a smile. “How do you know? Your eyes are closed.”

“I can feel you.”

The sensation in my chest warmed further at his words. “I like watching you sleep. I don’t get this opportunity.”

Sebastian opened his eyes and stretched. “Enjoy it while you can. Ember is the first up, and there’s no sleeping when she’s awake.”

I laughed. “I’m aware. The house is too quiet without her here. I miss her.”

Sebastian surged up and over me. My legs widened, welcoming him into the apex of my thighs. We never bothered getting dressed last night, so his hard cock was at my entrance. “Do we need a condom?”

My entire body flushed with need. “I’m clean and on birth control.”

“I’m clean, too,” he murmured as he leaned down to kiss me, the tip already pressing inside me. Every time we came together, it was a natural meeting of our bodies. It wasn’t awkward because we were new lovers; it was like our bodies knew exactly what to do.

It was as natural as our breathing. We didn’t have to think about it or question anything. I wasn’t self-conscious about my body because Sebastian was effusive with his admiration. I’d never felt more beautiful or desired.

“I’m never going to get enough of you,” Sebastian said, his voice still rough with sleep.

“I love waking up to this,” I said.

“Hmm. I’d like to say get used to it, but that’s not possible with a seven-year-old.”

I ran my hands down his back, his muscles flexing underneath my palms. “I’ll take whatever I can get.”

“We’ll have to get creative,” he said as he moved over me.

“And make the most of our time.” I let out a gasp as he filled me completely.

Then he intensified his efforts, stealing the breath from my lungs. He was quickly building me up and throwing me over the edge. I was in a free fall, and I hoped he’d be there to catch me.

After waiting all our lives for this moment, I hoped nothing could tear us apart.

Even though Ember initially suggested we date, I wasn’t positive she’d be okay with the reality of her father dating someone. I’d never do anything to upset that little girl. She was as important to me as Sebastian.

Sebastian pulled out abruptly, and I cried out in protest. But he quickly flipped me so that I was on all fours in front of him. He didn’t waste any time re-entering me, going deeper this time. He bottomed out on each thrust, making it impossible for me to think about anything other than the rising storm in my body.

He lowered his body so that his front pressed to my back, and he circled my clit with his fingers. I tried to hold off, but I couldn’t stop the inevitable. My orgasm crashed over me in huge waves. I bit my lip as I rode out the high.

A few seconds later, Sebastian thrust deep and emptied inside me. When he carefully pulled out, I felt the sticky release on my thighs.

“Give me a sec. I’ll clean you up.”

I rolled onto my back, wondering what he was doing.

In a few seconds, he was back with a warm washcloth, cleaning me before throwing it into the nearby hamper. “Now, where were we? I think you were admiring my hot body.”

“Your hot dad bod?” I teased as I ran my hand over his well-defined abs. For being a self-proclaimed math nerd, his body was a road map of muscles.

He rolled onto his back, folding his arm behind his head. “I take care of myself, exercise, and eat healthy.”

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