Page 52 of Trusting Forever

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I helped her put on the skates and tied them. Then we stepped onto the ice. I held her hand as we took the first few tentative steps. I’d skated many times before, and I knew she had, too. But it had been a while.

I was so busy with the business of being a parent and the responsibility of the farm, it was rare to let loose. Growing up, I was the studious Monroe brother. I didn’t get into fights with my brothers or kids at school.

Sometimes, it felt like I had the weight of my family on my chest. As we glided across the ice, gaining confidence with each lap, I felt it melting away.

Hanna laughed, and the sound carried over the ice. “This is so cool.”

I smiled so hard I thought my cheeks would crack. I held tight to her hand, maybe under the guise of helping if she slipped, but really, it was because I wasn’t ready to let her go. Now that we’d given ourselves permission to explore a relationship beyond friendship, I couldn’t stop touching her.

My chest was overflowing with emotions: hope, love, and anticipation. I had no expectations for the evening other than her giving me a chance. But now that she had, I couldn’t stop my wayward thoughts of jumping to all the possibilities.

I wouldn’t rush her, but at the same time, I was eager to take the next step with her. Remembering we’d set up speakers, I stopped skating to turn on the music. Holiday tunes played around us.

“This couldn’t be any more perfect.” We stood in the center of the ice, staring at each other. Then I grinned and pointed above us. “The guys hung mistletoe with the lights.”

Hanna’s eyes widened as she followed the trajectory of my finger. “Were they hoping we’d kiss?”

I stepped closer and cupped her cheek. “I don’t know about them, but I was.”

She tilted her chin up in silent invitation, and I slowly lowered my lips, savoring this moment I’d thought about for far longer than I wanted to admit. The first press of my lips to hers was cold. Her lips immediately softened under mine, and she parted them so I could explore her mouth.

I deepened the kiss and stepped even closer so that we were touching from chest to thigh. Even through our layers of clothes, I could feel every inch of her.

I forced myself to slow down, giving her small presses of my lips before pulling back slightly. Her eyes were slightly glossy, as if she’d been just as lost in that kiss as I’d been.

Then I interlaced my fingers with hers and took off again. We skated for a while. The music played, the lights twinkled, and I couldn’t get enough of being with Hanna. It felt good to declare my feelings.

I couldn’t believe she’d agreed to this. That she felt the same way I had. That her vow to date was to put me out of her mind.

The evening was a beautiful mix of revelations and new beginnings.

“We should bring the girls here tomorrow.”

I came to a stop, and she followed suit. “I love that you thought of them.”

“Ember’s a part of you, and Addy’s family.”

Her words were so simple, but they hit me square in the chest. This is why I felt this way about her. She was sweet and kind and everything I’d ever wanted. “How did I get so lucky to meet you?”

“I don’t know.” Her eyes searched mine as if she were looking for something. “But I feel the same way about you.”

I think those feelings were the reason why we were both so scared to make the first move. It was her agreeing to do the bachelorette auction and her New Year’s resolution to date that was the catalyst for me making a move, and I couldn’t regret the outcome. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so happy. Maybe the day when Ember was born. But then you were there that day, too. You’ve been there for all my important moments.”

“And I hope to be here for many more.”

We came together, this time in a rush. There wasn’t a slow seduction or any whispered words. We’d barely steadied ourselves on the blades as we pulled each other closer and kissed in a tangle of teeth and lips.

I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted more. But my legs were tired from skating.

When I finally pulled back, Hanna said, “As much as I loved this date, I kind of want to go home and relax. Or did you have something else planned?”

“I didn’t plan anything beyond food and the rink. I have dessert, but we can enjoy that in front of the tree.”

“I’d love that.” Hanna smiled, and it filled my chest with something more—love.

I could easily love this woman. I probably already did. But I could see it becoming deeper and more meaningful as we got to know each other in a different way. We didn’t have to hold back or worry about crossing lines. It was like the wall between us had been knocked over, and there wasn’t anyone stopping us from being our true selves.

“Do we need to clean anything up?” Hanna asked as I grabbed the basket with our dessert and headed toward the golf cart.

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