Page 61 of Nerdy Boy

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He sighed. “I’ll have to pack clothes.”

I shook my head. “I’ll pack them for you so they’ll already be there, okay?” I kissed him. “I love you. Go shower.”

He sighed and unwound himself from around me before sliding off the bed and sliding his feet into his shower shoes. After grabbing his toiletries and his towel, he slipped out of the room. Ezra crawled over to me and molded his lips to mine. I groaned and laced my fingers in his blonde hair, deepening the kiss.

“Spencer was hogging you,” he murmured.

I chuckled. “When doesn’t he?” I kissed him again. “We’ll give him extra cuddles this evening.”

“And orgasms,” Ezra said as he slid off the bed, grabbing his shower stuff, too. “Lots of orgasms. He deserves them. Between studying for his own finals and tutoring me for my math ones, he’s long overdue.”

I grinned and stood from the bed, grabbing my car keys from my pockets. “Our boy won’t know what hit him,” I promised.

Ezra chuckled and blew me a kiss from the open doorway. “Love you.”

I pretended to catch his kiss and then pressed my fist to my heart. His smile softened, his eyes going all soft and gooey. My heart tripped in my chest. “I love you, too, babe.”

The door shut quietly behind him. Sighing, I grabbed the small duffel they used for trips home and began to pack clothes for both of them.

Finally, we were getting to start on the rest of our lives together. I didn’t know where we would be in a few years, but I did know one thing for certain.

Wherever we ended up, we would be together. Always.

I was never letting my guys go. Not ever fucking again.
