Page 54 of Nerdy Boy

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Then, he kissed me again, his tongue probing between my lips.




“This place is lonely as fuck,” Logan said as we settled on my king-size bed. I grabbed the television remote off the nightstand to turn the TV on. “No wonder you spend so much time at Spencer’s.”

I grunted and tugged said boy closer to me, pressing a kiss to his dark, wavy hair. Spencer smiled at me, his eyes all soft and filled with love. My heart was damn near filled to bursting due to these two guys.

“I spend time at Spencer’s because I want to be near him,” I told Logan as I flipped through one of the many streaming services I had, trying to find something entertaining for us to watch. Or at least use as background noise. Logan still couldn’t stand the silence.

“Well, what the fuck am I?” Logan teasingly asked, turning on his side to face us. He propped his head in his hand, leaning up on his elbow. I smiled at him. Fuck, I was so in love with Logan, I almost couldn’t contain the feelings. He was a sarcastic asshole and definitely didn’t know boundaries, but I wouldn’t change him for the world.

“You know I love you,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes. “Suuuure,” he muttered, dragging out the word.

Spencer grabbed Logan’s free hand in his, twining their fingers together. Logan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the tip of Spencer’s nose. Over the weeks, Logan’s mental health had continued to improve, and the physical markings of what he’d endured—save for a few scars on his body that I knew would never go away—had disappeared from his skin. He still had some bad days, but he was no longer withdrawing from us, and every couple of days, Logan tried to push himself more and more when it came to intimacy.

It was almost like he missed having that connection with us. And hell, the feeling was definitely mutual. Hand jobs and blow jobs were nice. The rutting was hot as hell. But I missed being inside of him and having him inside of me.

“Give me our boy,” Logan muttered, tugging Spencer’s upper half against him. I swallowed a groan when the jostle of Spencer’s body made his ass rub against my half-hard cock. I clicked on an action movie and set the remote aside before wrapping my arms beneath Logan’s around Spencer’s body. Logan looked at me over Spencer’s head, a wicked smirk curving his lips.

I arched my brow at him. “I feel like you’re up to no good right now.”

Logan just smirked and turned his head so he was watching the movie. I sighed. I had no idea what Logan had up his sleeve, but I had to admit, I was looking forward to whatever it was. Especially if it kept him in a good mood.

* * *

I moaned low in my throat when a slick fist wrapped around my cock. Warm, smooth lips rubbed over mine, and I cracked open my eyes to find Spencer right in front of me. A small smile tilted his lips. “Hey,” he rasped.

I grasped his hip and tugged him closer before knocking his hand aside to grab our cocks together. A low whine crawled up his throat, his eyes rolling back in his head. Logan peered at me over Spencer’s head before he grasped Spencer’s thigh and hiked it over mine.

“He’s so pretty like this,” Logan rasped, his voice gravelly. Pressing tender kisses to Spencer’s shoulder, his eyes stayed locked on mine. “You want to fuck me?”

“God yes,” I moaned. Spencer’s lips parted, his breaths quickening. “Just let me get our boy off.”

Spencer moaned before his lips met mine, his kiss sloppy. But fuck, it was hot as hell. I couldn’t get enough of him being with me like this—so lost in what I was doing to him that all his inhibitions flew out the window.

“Such a good boy,” I groaned against his lips, my hand quickening. My balls were drawing up tight, but I was determined not to come. I wanted to come inside Logan—to feel his tight heat wrapping around me after weeks of not having him.

“So close,” Spencer whimpered.

“Give it to me,” I urged. “I need it, baby.” And that wasn’t a lie. I was fucking desperate for him to soak my fist in his cum.

Spencer cried out, his cum spurting into my palm. Logan gently sank his teeth into Spencer’s shoulder, pushing inside of him as Spencer came. Our boy’s back arched, sweat glistening on his forehead.

“Oh, fuck,” Logan panted, his hand pressing into Spencer’s chest to keep Spence locked against him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I forgot how good you feel, pretty boy.”

I crawled over them before sliding behind Logan beneath the blankets. He tensed when my hand landed on his hip. Stroking my thumb over his skin, I gently asked, “You still want this?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “I want it so fucking badly. Just… take it easy. Please. I already prepped.”

I slid my hand down, watching his face closely for any cues that I needed to back off. Spencer was breathing just as heavily as Logan, but he’d covered Logan’s hand with his on his chest, both of them keeping still as I swiped my fingers along Logan’s hole, groaning. He was slick with lube and so fucking ready for me.

“This might sound weird,” I warned Logan, “but you know traffic signals?” When he nodded, I continued, “if you need me to stop, say red. I swear I’ll fucking stop. And if you just need a breather, say yellow. Okay?”
