Page 36 of Nerdy Boy

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Jaxon sighed. “Spencer told me about it when Ezra explained you more than likely went to beat the fuck out of this kid, which you did. Kid is in the hospital with a concussion.” I bit back a grin. Served Tyler right. “But if one of you had just come to me the moment you saw the post, I could’ve filed a lawsuit. We could’ve handled this legally and destroyed that kid’s future.”

I grunted. “Shit in my world doesn’t get handled legally,” I told him honestly.

He turned onto the street he and Spencer lived on. “It does now,” he told me, finality ringing in his words. “You’re part of my family now, Logan.”

I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say to that. But I didn’t have long to dwell on his declaration because we turned into the drive.

And Spencer was waiting for us on the porch, a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Ezra wrapped around him. I quickly got out of the car, and Spencer lurched to his feet, sprinting down the driveway to me, the blanket falling away from his shoulders to land half on the bottom step and the concrete. I opened my arms, catching him when he jumped up, his arms and legs wrapping around my body so he could cling to me.

The crawling-out-of-my-skin sensation slipped away, and I pressed my face into his curls, inhaling the intoxicating scent of him, letting him ground me.

“You’re so stupid,” he mumbled into my neck.

I chuckled and cradled the back of his head. “Trust me, pretty boy, your dad has done more than enough scolding.”

He tightened his hold on me, his nails digging into the back of my neck. Shivers wracked down my spine. “Please don’t ever do anything like that again.”

My chest clenched, and I closed my eyes for a moment, burrowing my face in his hair. The scent of him calmed me, and my chest loosened a bit. “I promise,” I rasped.

Ezra’s hand settled on my lower back. “Let’s get inside,” Ezra quietly suggested. “It’s cold out here, and you need to eat.”

I looked over at him. There was no anger in his eyes, but I knew he was disappointed in me. And fuck, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like hurting either one of them. It felt wrong. So fucking wrong.

Once we were inside, I sat on the couch, and Spencer moved to sit beside me, cuddling against my side. Ezra came into the living room a minute later with a plate of food.

“Thanks,” I rasped when he handed it to me.

“Want to tell me what the fuck you were thinking?” Ezra demanded, taking a seat on the coffee table so he was directly in front of me.

I shrugged. “Tyler needed to fucking pay,” I told him.

Ezra glowered at me. “You shouldn’t have gone alone.”

“Shouldn’t have gone at all,” Jaxon spoke up as he entered the living room. He handed a cup of coffee to Spencer from behind the couch. “Drink this so you don’t catch a cold. You shouldn’t have been outside.”

Spencer’s cheeks colored the slightest bit pink at being scolded. “I know,” he murmured.

His dad ruffled his dark waves for a moment before heading down the hall to his room, shutting the door behind him to give us privacy. Ezra leaned forward and gripped my knees, his fingers pressing into my flesh to the point it hurt. I welcomed the pain—let it stabilize me.

“Don’t you ever do something that fucking stupid again,” he warned me. “Or I promise you, baby, I will beat your ass, you got me?”

I smirked. “Was that supposed to frighten me? Because it only turned me on.”

Spencer slapped my flat stomach, making me wince. I turned my head and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Stop being a dick,” he mumbled, his lips softly brushing mine with every word he spoke.

I hummed and rubbed my nose with his. “That’s a promise I can’t make, pretty boy.”

Ezra snorted before he leaned over me, gripped my chin hard enough to hurt, and slanted his lips across mine, easily overpowering me and making me submit to him. I tightened my hand on the plate I was holding so I wouldn’t drop it.

“If you face jail time because of this, I’ll make you regret it once you get out,” Ezra promised me as he took a seat back down on the coffee table.

I swallowed thickly, focusing back on my plate, staying silent. I was so used to spending time in juvie—and now jail that I was an adult, even if it was just thirty days—that I hadn’t thought of the consequences of being locked behind bars.

I wouldn’t have Spencer and Ezra with me.

And fuck, that made me feel hollow inside.

