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“Yes, Your Honour.”

“In that case, please sign the documents in front of you, and congratulations on joining this family.”

Ysma read the documents surrendering all claims to prior custodial parents. She signed as her prior custodial entity was the Uraddan government.

The document was signed and stamped, and a seal was pressed into place. Revakka and her family hugged Ysma, and she gasped as she collected more activations.

Xeva showed her the mark that was going to be placed on her shoulders and grinned. Revakka’s mark was a woman holding a vine with six fruits. Nelith’s mark was a woman with a series of blades.

Xeva smiled. “Since we have what we need, Reth is waiting. One more round of hugs, and we are off to the shop.”

The family hugged her again, and Xeva and Jeron walked with her to the tattoo shop.

Chapter Seven

Reth had their designs ready and made sure that he got the right pattern for the right woman.

Reth smiled. “Can Ysma go first? She’s an excellent client.”

Ysma made a face at Xeva. “Yeah, I am an excellent client. Oh, shoot. I don’t have a pay method.”

“I wasn’t kidding; I owe you tattoos for your entire life.”

“Oh. Nice.” She looked at him. “Ready when you are.”

Reth laughed and led her back because her top was going to come off.

Xeva was with her, and Jeron with her. Ysma removed her top and lay down on the chair, pulling her hair to one side. He prepared her skin, applied his stencil, and wiped it off twice before getting the final alignment.

Once he was set, the mineral-laden ink was prepared, and the hum of the needle began. Ysma needed to focus on not healing the markings too quickly. Every hour, Reth had a break, and Ysma woke from her nap.

Fingers were trailing across her spine, over her hips. It wasn’t Reth. She turned her head and saw weirdly familiar thighs. “Yukaro. I thought you were back on your island.”

“I was. I am back now. So, you are part of Jeron’s family?”

“Yup. Weirdly, I am now the eldest sister.”

Reth returned and towelled his hands dry. “Oh. I didn’t know there was more company.”

“Reth, is it? I would love to speak with you for a moment.”

She relaxed back into the bed and dozed again. The buzz began again, and Reth moved to finish the work.

When he wiped the ink and blood off, she went up on her elbows. “Mind if I heal it?”

“No, please. Go ahead.”

She closed her eyes, and the sticky, tingling pain was gone. She sat up with her arms across her breasts and went to check the mark. She saw the depictions of her mother and then the addition that Yukaro had put in place. “You had to tag me?”

She stalked to Yukaro and kicked him in the shin.

“Reth? Why did you do this?”

“He had the documentation. Jeron signed off on it.”

“I am going to kick my little brother’s ass.”

Yukaro laughed. “That is funny. I hadn’t thought about it before, but you are his elder.”

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