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“Uh, how long was I out?”

“It’s morning. Reth wants to see us both at the shop, but first, you have to meet Revakka and get adopted.”

“Seriously? I am twenty-six.”

“Doesn’t matter. You just have to be one day younger than the person adopting you. Come on and meet your mom.” Xeva smiled.

Leaf grinned. “I always wanted a sister. Now, I am getting two in under a week. We can go for manicures and stuff. I know Xeva likes to use her nails.”

Xeva blushed. “Zip it, Leaf. Jeron doesn’t mind, so it’s none of your business, aside from the fact that he’s showing off the marks.”

They all started walking to a different part of the house, and the older woman who was about to adopt her grinned. “Ysma. You look so cute. Did Leaf and Xeva fill you in?”

“They told me you will adopt me to satisfy some technicalities.”

Revakka nodded. “And because there is a chance of girls in our family finally getting closer to outnumbering the boys.”

Ysma steeled herself and stuck her hand out. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

Revakka took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. “I am a botany active. I understand you copy activations, but this one shouldn’t be too hard for you. When you finish getting your family marks, you and Xeva will learn to cook the family dishes.”

Ysma smiled. “I always wanted to learn to cook.”

Xeva grinned. “Me, too. There was never enough time.”

Revakka smiled. “Leaf isn’t really interested, so this will be fun.”

Leaf perked up. “Maybe if it weren’t just us, I would be more interested.”

Revakka put out a selection of pastries and smiled. “Come on. It is going to be a busy day. Eat.”

Ysma perked up and asked, “Is there coffee?”

Revakka nodded. “There is coffee.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

There was laughter, there was breakfast, and then they put on some shoes and headed to the town. It was a twenty-minute walk that had them in town, and once there, they headed straight for the municipal building.

Jeron and the other family members were there, and to Ysma’s surprise, they all swore that she was to join their family. Jeron produced documentation from Xeva and Nelith that confirmed her origin. A DNA test confirmed she matched Nelith, and her status as an Uraddan refugee was confirmed. Revakka confirmed that no one had coerced her into the adoption, the tattoo was confirmed by design, and she had seven days to have it applied.

When the judge finally spoke to Ysma, she smiled. “Aren’t you just adorable?”

“So, I am told.” She paused. “Your Honour.”

“Do you have a charm activation?”

“No, Your Honour.”

“You swear to it?”

“Yes, Your Honour. No one has ever found me charming.”

The woman laughed. “Well, you are joining a prestigious family today.”

“Yes, Your Honour. My progenitor is no slouch either.”

“I am seeing that, but it will be much safer to join this family.”

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