Page 259 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I laughed, taking no offense. The food in The Court of Pride was delicious but hot peppers were not a staple in Pride cuisine as it seemed to be in Envy. My mouth was burning in the most delightful way, and I took a few more sips of wine to quench the fire.

By the time we were done eating, I was pleasantly stuffed and feeling so relaxed, I wasn’t sure how I was even going to make it to bed.

I leaned back in my seat, giving Conrad a lazy smile.

“How are you feeling, Conrad?” I asked, my words coming out as slow and sleepy as my body felt. He was looking just as drowsy as he returned the smile, plopping his hat back on his head and pulling the bill down to cover his eyes.

“Mi stuffed. My nah know how mi gon get up dem stairs.” He laughed, and Jeremy chuckled lazily next to me.

“Raven might have to fly us up.” Jeremy agreed. I glanced at him, to find him leaning back in his seat as well. His legs were crossed out in front of him and his eyes were closed. He had a sleepy smile on his face, and he looked as if he could pass out right at the table.

“I can do that,” I slurred, glancing at Niahmara. She seemed much more alert, but I supposed she likely hadn’t gorged herself the way we had.

I reached for my aura and frowned. That was odd… I couldn’t seem to connect with it.

“Hold on…” I murmured, trying to concentrate. The longer I focused, the stranger I felt. It wasn’t that I couldn’t connect with my magick, it was that it just… wasn’t there.

It was gone.

Panic tore through the lazy haze I seemed to have succumbed to. I bolted up in my seat, only for the crushing weight of relaxation to settle back down over me.

I looked over at Niahmara, suddenly realizing that it was her that was making me feel so tired.

“Conrad, Dad!” I tried to shout, but even my voice felt weak. I heard a soft snore to my right and realized that Jeremy was already asleep. Conrad’s eyes were closed now, too.

I met Niahmara’s gaze, and she watched as I struggled to remain conscious, guilt written across every line of her face.

“Why?” I managed to ask, moments before I felt the last of my consciousness slip away.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered, her dark eyes wide and filled with regret. “She has my mate.”


Drip, drip, drip.

I woke up disoriented. It was dark, and the wet scent of mildew filled my nose.

Where mi at?

Holding a hand to my head I sat up on what seemed to be a very damp, sandy ground.

What di hell happen?

As I slowly came to, I began to panic. Jeremy was sprawled out on the ground next to me, and we seemed to be in some sort of cave. I leapt to my feet, rushing forward to the steel bars of the gate of the rocky prison we were trapped in. I felt my hat fly off my head as I flew to the entrance, wrapping my hands around the bars in despair.

“What di hell gwaan here?” I yelled, hearing Jeremy groan behind me as he began to wake up.

“Raven?” He asked, and my heart stopped in my chest.

Where di hell was Rayven?

The walls around me were dripping wet, and the sand was dark and soaked with sea water. I realized we were in an underground cave, likely close to the sea… so why cyaan me nah feel di water?

I suddenly felt deeply disturbed as I came to the realization that I didn’t have access to my magick. Never in my life, had I not been able to connect with the water around me. My blood ran cold, and I had to force myself to breathe through the panic.

“Conrad, what the fuck is happening?” Jeremy had fully woken up now, I spun to face him. He was on his feet, and looked terribly pale. “Where is Raven!?”

“She is with the Queen.” We both turned to find Princess Niahmara and The Siren standing on the other side of the cell’s bars, each of them watching us with cold, stoney expressions. My jaw dropped, as I met Nytara’s eyes.
