Page 258 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Wow,” I gasped. “What are your powers? You feel so… relaxing.” I murmured, wondering if this was why my anxiety had been considerably less since arriving on the Island. She smiled at me.

“I have the power to control emotions and sleep. It has come in very handy for keeping my citizens in good spirits despite the state of things.”

“I bet.” I breathed, finding myself wanting to lean into her relaxing aura. I had been in so much pain for so long… it would be so nice to just let it all fall away…

I shook my head sharply, shooting her another apologetic look. “Sorry,” I murmured awkwardly. “I got a little distracted.”

She gave me a reassuring nod. “No need to apologize. You would be surprised at how often it happens when dealing with magick like mine.”

Determined to stay focused, I felt around until I found the harsh buzz and crackle of her slavery bond. It cut across her beautiful, soothing magick like a festering wound and I felt my lip curl in anger. The bonds were such ugly, intrusive things. I hated that this peaceful daemon had been trapped in something so harsh and horrible for so long.

I pulled the bond away from her and stepped forward, before swiping my blade through the oppressive magick, easily severing the magickal chain from her aura. I braced against the explosion of energy and kept it contained.

Niahmara screamed in agony as the bond broke apart and I rushed forward to catch her as she fell, shaking to her knees. She gripped me tightly, as if she would float away if she let go.

“I got you, shh, I got you.” I said, pulling her into me. She shook in my arms, but remained silent. After a while I pulled back to find her staring at me, with a look of terror and shock on her face.

“You’re okay,” I promised. “You’re alright, you’re free now.”

She looked down at her quivering hands, before glancing up at me, a tear spilling down her cheek. She looked so afraid, and I knew she was worried Ash Nevra would punish her for allowing me to free her.

“You’ve done nothing wrong, Princess.” I reassured her. “I’ll take the blame for this. I will not allow her to punish you. You’re safe.” Even as I said the words, I hoped I had the power to back them up.

Finally, Niahmara nodded, and I helped her get shakily to her feet. Conrad and Jeremy both came forward as well and we helped her to the table, seating her in one of the wicker backed chairs.

“Yuh ‘aright, Princess?” Conrad asked, clearly concerned.

She nodded, seeming to be coming back to herself. She smiled up at Conrad and patted his arm.

“Yes, yes. It’s just… that was quite the shock. It has been a long time since I have been free, I seem to have forgotten what it feels like.” She looked somewhat disturbed at the fact before shaking her head and beaming at me.

“Sit, sit.” She urged, reaching forward to grab a decanter, pouring us each a glass of wine. I grinned and tucked in, trying not to salivate all over the damn table. Everything looked fucking delicious. Jeremy tucked in next to me, chuckling and shaking his head.

“Easy Kiddo, don’t be rude.” He chided and I knew he could tell I wanted to just start piling my plate high with curried oxtail and rice pilaf.

“Please, please, help yourself.” Niahmara encouraged us as Conrad settled into the seat across from me and to her right.

Don’t need to tell me twice.

I started piling my plate high when the princess raised her full glass. Jeremy elbowed me, pulling my attention away from my plate.

Oh. Shit, we’re doing the toast thing…

I reluctantly put down my fork and picked up the glass she had poured for me. Conrad, ever the gentleman, swept his cap off his head in respect for the upcoming toast.

“To the Queen.” Niahmara said, her voice filled with raw emotion and kindness. “May her favor always shine down upon us, and may she see our loved ones home safe.”

My heart tightened at the toast. I was more than happy to fucking toast to that.

“Here, here!” Jeremy agreed and Conrad grinned.

“Yuh damn right about dat.” We clinked our glasses together and each took a large sip before digging in.

The food tasted just as good as it looked. Everything was rich and so full of flavor. Conrad especially, was in heaven.

“Something about island folk.” He said as he savored a bite of curry. “We just know how tuh bring di flavor!”

Niahmara laughed. “Yes, I always find food from some of the more northern courts a little bland.” She admitted, shooting me an apologetic look. “Down here in the south, we like things to be spicy.”
