Page 30 of Fury

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Page 30 of Fury

“It’s nice to meet you, too.”

“Are you from here? I know your husband is – Trip told me that they grew up here together.”

Retta had just taken a sip of coffee and almost choked on it. “I … Travis isn’t … we’re not married.”

Shelly’s eyes widened. “Crap! I’m sorry. I just assumed. When Trip said that you were coming in, he said that his best friend, Travis was bringing his woman. I thought he meant you were his wife. And honestly, the way you two were with each just other now… I thought you were.”

“No. We …” She looked around before she continued. “We haven’t even known each other that long.”

“Wow! Well, I know it’s none of my business, but if I were you, I’d hang on to him. He seems like a good guy, and I know that Trip thinks the world of him. I don’t even know Trip that well yet, but I know he’s a good judge of character. He doesn’t suffer fools and he’s as honest as they come.”

Retta just smiled. She didn’t know what to say.

Shelly made a face. “Sorry if I just embarrassed us both.”

“No. You’re fine. I … thanks.”

She was relieved when a door opened, and an older gentleman came out. He went to the desk to make a follow up appointment, and Retta clung to her coffee cup and the tray on her lap with Trip’s coffee. Married? She hadn’t even considered the possibility. Then again, if Travis was talking about them still being together when they were over a hundred, the idea shouldn’t surprise her too much.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Trip until he was standing next to her chair.

“Hey, Retta. Are you ready to come in? Want me to push you?”

“Oh. Thanks. Err, yes please.” She held his coffee up. “I can pay you for the ride when we get there. Trav said that you enjoy vanilla cappuccino so …”

“Thanks.” He wheeled her into his office and looked back at Shelly before he closed the door behind them. “Everything okay out here?”

“Yep. I emailed you the list for the rest of the day. Oh, and Dawn over at the hospital called. Can you call her back when you get the chance?”

“Do you know what she needs?”

“She has a question about one of the patients. She said it’s not urgent.”

“Okay, thanks.”

He closed the door to his office and positioned Retta across the desk from his chair. He went and sat, and she put the coffee in front of him.


She laughed. “Travis said you’re welcome.”

“So, how are you doing?”

She blew out a sigh. “Sick and tired of being confined to this chair. I’m hoping that you’ll say I can start spending more time on my feet now.”

He nodded slowly. “I’m hoping the same, but I have a few questions for you before we get to that.”


“How’ve you been doing with the non-weight bearing?”

She laughed. “You know Travis, and Callie, don’t you?”

He smiled. “I do. I take it that means that you’ve been in the wheelchair more than you would have if you were by yourself.”

“I have. But I’m good on the crutches. I know how to use them.”

“I’m sure you do. It’s the osteoporosis that has me concerned. It’s not going to prevent the fracture from healing, I just want to be sure that we don’t start weight bearing too soon.”

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