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I grin as we enter the locker room. “It will be like a mini vacation.”

“I have to ask though.” Tom leans against one of the lockers as I open mine. “Do you know what happened to Joseph? I haven’t seen or heard from him in days.”

I feel like I’ve just been thrown into the deep end, I’m drowning and can’t swim fast enough to the surface. “No. I didn’t see him. I wish that I did. Let me know if you hear from him.”

Tom nods and holds out his hand. I take the gun from the lockbox and hand it to him. He checks the magazine while I rummage through my locker.

When I hand him the badge, I consider telling him the truth for a split second. This is everything I’ve ever worked for, but I’m willing to hand it over.

Handing it over means keeping Nik safe.

I press the badge into Tom’s palm with a smile, my heart is being shredded to pieces. “Vacation time, here I come.”

He laughs and walks with me. “Get some rest. When you come back to work, there’ll be plenty to do.”

Tom walks down the corridor that leads to the boss’s office while I go to the main doors. He turns around once more and gives me a slight, yet sad smile.

I raise one hand and wave goodbye.

He would be so disappointed if he found out that I was falling for a Bratva boss.

Chapter 14 - Nik

“Hey, boss, it looks like the cops have quietened down. You’re good to come back.”

I push myself off the mattress and look out the window. I scratch my jaw and my mind is racing. “It’s been two days. You’re telling me that they have decided to back off already?”

“Yep, they’ve backed off. Your house isn’t being watched.”

Dimitri sighs on the other end of the call as someone starts shouting.

“I won’t be going home.” I pull on my shoes and grab my gun from the hidden panel in the wall. “Meet me at The Frosted Rose. It’s time that we have a little chat about what happened.”

“Who do you want there?”

“Bring Yuri. He may be a hothead, but his perspective could shed some light.”

Dimitri scoffs. “I think that he’s more likely to start a fight than help you, but whatever it takes. I’ll have him there.”

“See that you do.”

I end the call as the setting sun sends streaks of bright orange and deep yellow through the cabin. It’s served its purpose as a safe house for now and I’m sure it won’t be the last time.

Even if there is something that draws Hazel to me, I am not foolish enough to believe that it means she will protect me.

If I were her, I wouldn’t protect me.

This is precisely why I must prepare my men for the very real possibility that I will flee the country. The police or FBI could have substantial information on the Bratva or myself.

I have no idea what she has told them, yet, but I need to find out fast.

They could have solid evidence that even “my friend” in the police can’t get to.

I groan and slide my phone into my pocket before grabbing the car keys. It’s going to be a long drive back to the city.


The Frosted Rose is packed with people as I walk in later that evening. Blue and pink strobe lights soar across the crowd while bodies writhe together. I shoulder my way through the crowd, ignoring the women in skintight dresses.
