Page 45 of All of My Life

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“No, she’s at my house,” I informed him. “Where she’s staying for good.”

His lip curled for just a second. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” I smirked. “She’s at my house where she’ll be living from now on.”

Thomas Morgan’s back snapped straight, and it wasn’t the action of a concerned, protective, loving father. It was the act of a man that felt threatened, and he should be feeling that way. If nothing else, I was taking one of his possessions from him without his permission, and that wasn’t acceptable to a man like Thomas Morgan.

“I get that your last name might make you feel a bit invincible, son,” he replied, his voice hard and no longer silky smooth to win my vote. “However, if you think that you can just take my daughter to entertain yourself with, then you’re very mistaken.”

“And if you think that I’m going to leave her here, so that you can beat on her some more, then you’re very fucking mistaken,” I shot back.

His guilt hit me like a two-by-four. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lied.

“Really?” I snarled. “Because the x-rays that the doctor took tell a different story.”

“Get off my property,” he hissed. “I don’t need to listen to this.”

“Well, you’re going to be listening to it a lot from now on,” I informed him. “Your secrets not a secret anymore, Mr. Councilman.”

The real Thomas Morgan finally showed his face. “It’ll be my word against hers,” he spat. “Her word against mine and her mother’s.”

“No, it won’t,” I argued. “It’ll be your word against hers, the doctor, the medical proof, and the police.”

“You’re overestimating Jett’s character if you think that she’s strong enough for this kind of battle,” he sneered. “You might have her in your bed, but I know her better than you ever will.”

“That’s where you’re wrong again,” I smirked. “If you knew her better than anyone, then you’d know that she’s been mine for almost two years already. Jett was never your good girl.”

“You sonofabitch,” he snarled as he swung for me.

Dodging his fist, I swung back, making contact with his ribs, and the momentum sent us both flying back into the foyer of the house. With a table crashing to the floor, I heard a scream, but we both ignored it as we swung at each other, some hits making their mark, some not. Even though Thomas Morgan was in shape and knew how to fight, I had youth and rage on my side. Thomas was fighting to protect his dirty secret while I was fighting to protect Jett, which was inherently more important.

When a lucky punch split my cheek open, I could feel blood oozing down my face, and all that did was piss me off more. Rushing him, we both went flying further into the house, and Mrs. Morgan’s cries were ignored as flesh hit flesh. She was crying out her husband’s name as I got the advantage on him, and when I started raining hits down on his face, it was like I couldn’t control myself. All I could picture was a seven-year-old Jett being beaten by a grown man, and rage consumed me like it was going to choke me to death; it was all that I could feel right now.

“Chasin! Stop!” Mrs. Morgan screamed. “Please!”

Before I could kill him, I felt a pair of arms grab me, and thinking that it was Mrs. Morgan, I quickly stopped, refusing to be the guy that would ever put his hands on a woman. However, when I looked up, it wasn’t Mrs. Morgan that had stopped the fight.

“What…” I had to catch my breath. “What are you doing here, Dad?”

He stepped over Mr. Morgan’s limp body. “Stopping you from killing him.”

“Oh, God,” Mrs. Morgan cried out as she dropped to her knees, horrified by the bloody mess that was her husband. “Oh, God…Thomas…honey…”

“He said that it was going to be his word against hers,” I told my father. “He said that she wasn’t strong enough for the battle.”

My father dropped down on his haunches next to Thomas Morgan. “Jett doesn’t need to be strong enough for this fight, Thomas,” he told him. “She’s got Chasin.”

“Randall, what…what are you say…saying?” Mrs. Morgan sobbed.

“I’m saying that Jett doesn’t need to fight this battle at all, Fern. We will be fighting it for her,” my father replied. “By the time that I’m done with you, you’ll wish that you’d never laid a hand on that girl.”

“I never touched her,” Mrs. Morgan kept sobbing. “I never touched her.”

“No, you just let your husband abuse the one person that you were meant to protect,” my father stated evenly. “Just like I’m going to do for my son.”

Thomas spat some blood on the floor of their expensive floor tile. “That girl belongs to me,” he snarled. “They belong to me.”

My father was up and holding me back before I could get to him. “She’s mine!” I roared. “Jett is mine! She belongs to me! Me!”

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