Page 36 of All of My Life

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I laughed.

Though it hurt like hell, I laughed.

When I finally got myself under control, I said, “If you really believe that, then you’re a better person than I’d originally given you credit for, Officer Montgomery.”

“No one is above the law, Ms. Morgan,” Officer Tisdale said, trying to be a good guy, too.

I thought about my father. “I hope you always believe that, Officer Tisdale. I really do.”

“Jett, did Chasin Carver hurt you?” Officer Montgomery asked again.

“No, he didn’t,” I answered honestly, though mentally and emotionally were a different story.

Officer Tisdale scowled a bit. “Ms. Morgan, you…you do realize what will happen if we call Chasin Carver, right? He will insist on answers, and he’ll sacrifice this entire hospital and the Carver PD to get them.”

“I’m aware,” I sighed tiredly.

I watched the officers exchange an uncomfortable look again, and I didn’t blame them. Everything had probably seemed straightforward to them until I had tossed Chasin’s name out there. It was incredible how one eighteen-year-old boy could be so damn powerful.

Without a word, Officer Tisdale grabbed my purse for me, then placed it next to me on the bed. When I pulled it out, I saw a million missed calls, voicemails, and text messages, most of them from Chasin, some from my parents. The ones from my parents worried me more than the ones from Chasin. My parents never looked for me unless they needed something, and they rarely ever needed anything from me.

As I stared at my phone, my fingers refused to work. While Chasin deserved to know the truth, and I had no real problem telling him, it was everything else that came afterwards that I didn’t want to deal with. There was no way that my family’s dirty secret would remain between the three of us once Chasin found out the truth. There was also my attack to take into consideration. I really had no idea what Chasin was going to do after I told him everything, and that was scarier than what I was already going through. People kept their private shame a secret for a reason, and that was because your weakness was front and center when all eyes were on you, and no one wanted their cowardice verified by the masses.

Sensing my hesitation, Officer Montgomery asked, “Would you like me to call him for you?”

I looked up at the officer, not sure how to answer. My life was on the verge of changing forever, and I wondered if he’d be so helpful if he knew that Councilman Morgan was about to become his worst enemy. Which side would these good officers choose when the time came for them to make their statements? I mean, who was going to believe that Thomas Morgan was beating his wife and daughter as his wife helped hide his secret?

“No,” I finally answered. “I can call him.”

He gave me a terse nod, stepping back to give me some space, though privacy was impossible in here. “Okay.”

Dialing Chasin, he answered on the second ring. “Where in the fuck are you?”

“Carver Medical,” I answered.

His voice was mildly deceptive when he asked, “What are you doing there?”

“I’m in Room 318,” I said, ignoring his question. “They…they rushed me to a private room because of my dad.”

“Jett, what are you doing there?” he repeated.

“They know that you’re coming,” I informed him. “Don’t…I’m fine. Don’t make a scene.”

“Baby, you’ve never seen a scene like the one that you’re about to,” he warned before hanging up on me.

I looked up at the two officers. “He’s on his way,” I told them. “You might…you might want to meet him outside the hospital. This isn’t going to be good, so…tell him whatever you think he needs to know.”

Instead of questioning me, they both nodded solemnly, making their way to the front of the hospital in a futile effort to keep Chasin Carver from losing his shit.

Chapter 23


I barely had the ignition turned off before I was racing towards the front doors of Carver Medical. I had no idea why Jett was here, but as soon as I saw the two officers blocking the doors, I knew what she’d meant when she’d said that they knew that I was on my way.

Ready to throw the weight of my last name around, I said, “Move out of my way.”

“She’s okay, son,” one of the officers said. “However, we need to talk to you before we let you go up to see her.”

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