Page 32 of All of My Life

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“I’m getting Chasin out of here,” Coach told her. “I need you to…handle…uh, that.”

Coach and I walked out of the locker room with Sierra still screaming after me like a banshee, and I knew that I was going to have to get her transferred from Carver High. There was no fucking way in hell that I was going to subject Jett to this bullshit, so I told Coach Donaldson as much, letting him know that he was now an official witness to Sierra Frechere’s cracked state of mind.

Chapter 20


When I hadn’t seen Chasin waiting for me by his car, I had taken that as a sign from the heavens above. I had prayed for some time to think things through, and it’d been granted.

So, embracing my inner coward, I had taken off walking, practically jogging towards town. My first instinct was to head to the library, but I knew that Chasin would find me there easily. So, instead of following my routine, I went in the opposite direction, my feet already knowing where to go. With each step, I knew that I was going to have to stop living in denial soon. I’d been living in denial ever since I had lied to Chasin, telling him that I could handle it if he could. I never should have said those words to him when they hadn’t been true and never would be. No matter how hard someone might try, they’d never be ready for the likes of Chasin Carver, including me.

As I walked farther away from campus, I realized that I’d been caught in Chasin’s web since that night, and I had foolishly convinced myself that I could escape it at any time that I chose. I had convinced myself that none of it had meant anything, and I had missed all the signs that Chasin had been waving in my face. I shook my head as I realized that I was stupid along with being a coward.

I wasn’t sure how long I’d been walking when I heard the sounds of car tires crunching gravel underneath the rubber. I knew that it wasn’t going take Chasin very long to hunt me down, but I had still hoped for some more time to get my head together. In a perfect world, I would have been able to think on my situation in the comfort of my own bedroom, but my mind was the last place that I wanted to be in when I was at home. My dark thoughts always challenged me to keep going, so I usually read until I fell asleep once I got home.

Stopping to face the music, I was momentarily stunned when I saw that it wasn’t Chasin and his three-million-dollar car. Instead of Chasin getting out of his vehicle to read me the riot act, West Oliver, David Terrell, Reynaldo Ramos, Bridgette Potter, and Archie Peyton were getting out of the car. The only person that was missing was Sierra, considering that she was sleeping with West and Bridgette was her best friend.

“Well, look what we have here, folks,” West drawled out casually. However, the look in his eyes told me that he wasn’t feeling casual at all. “It’s Chasin Carver’s newest slut.”

I ignored him, keeping my eyes on Bridgette. As the only girl with them, it was rather obvious what she was doing here. They must have noticed me not waiting for Chasin, deciding to follow me like idiots. No matter who won the fight between me and Bridgette, Chasin wasn’t going to appreciate his friends turning on him like this, even if he’d made it clear that these people weren’t his real friends.

“You think you can get away with stealing Chasin from Sierra?” Bridgette sneered, and that was enough for me to drop my purse and backpack on the ground.

“Oh, look,” Reynaldo chuckled. “Someone’s brave.”

I could tell Reynaldo to go fuck himself, but he was irrelevant. Bridgette was here to avenge her friend, so she was the one that I needed to keep an eye on. The others were here for entertainment purposes. They were probably going to record the fight, then post it everywhere in some stupid bid to embarrass me or whatever. However, they were bigger idiots than I had given them credit for if they thought that Chasin wouldn’t find out who they were. Even if I didn’t give names, not much remained a secret these days.

“This is going to be your last warning to leave Chasin alone,” Bridgette spat.

I almost laughed.

I used to always feel sorry for myself because I hadn’t been allowed to make friends, but if this was what you got when you invited people into your life, then no thank you. The last thing that I wanted to do was fight some girl that had done nothing to me because my friend had demanded it. Like most relationships, I was beginning to believe that friendships were stupid, too.

When Bridgette finally swung, I didn’t duck or step back. While I didn’t necessarily know how to fight, I knew how to take a punch, so that’s where I had the edge. Her aim was off enough that she hit the side of my neck, but that was enough to kick off the fight. I swung back, but instead of aiming for her face, I aimed for her chest, trying to hit her hard enough to knock the wind out of her. Thomas had done a great job of teaching me that particular method of disabling someone.

Bridgette stumbled back a bit, so I charged her, needing to get her on the ground. She was a good three inches taller than I was, plus she weighed more. If she got on top of me, then I’d be done for. The guys started cheering Bridgette on, and the encouragement might make her a better fighter.

When I found myself on top of Bridgette’s struggling body, I felt better as my fists began to rain down on her. However, my victory was short lived when I felt someone grab my hair, then yank me off her. I had made the mistake of thinking that these guys would never hit a girl, which was ludicrous when I knew for a fact that some males had no problem hitting women.

I scrambled to get to my feet, but before I could make any progress, I was being lifted by my hair, then flung to the ground again. When I looked up, I swung to find that it was West Oliver on top of me.

“What are you doing?” David asked, his voice sounding panicked.

“Teaching this bitch a lesson,” West snarled, his eyes wild with hate as his fists started battering me in a way that Thomas had always been careful not to. Little did he know that these bruises were just going to join the other ones. “I’m going to show her that I’m a way better fuck than Chasin Carver.”

“Do it!” Bridgette screamed, embarrassed that I’d been winning.

“I didn’t sign up for this, West,” David bit out. “Sierra just wanted her beaten up.”

“I get seconds,” Reynaldo hooted. “I bet her pussy’s tight as hell.”

“Get off her, West!” David yelled. “We followed her for Sierra! Nothing more!”

I felt West’s hand reach underneath my skirt, making my heart stick in my throat. I started thrashing around, yelling until I thought my vocal cords were going to snap. I was fighting with everything that I had, but West was twice my size if not more.

“Shut her up!”

Following West’s orders, Reynaldo and Archie dropped near my head to hold my arms down, and then Bridgette knelt next to them, her hands covering my screams. When I felt West’s hands tear at my panties, I started fighting harder.

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