Page 169 of Stolen Crown

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“How did they even get here?” Brigid asked. “How did they find us?”

“That’s not important now,” Amarra replied. “We’re gonna have to fight our way out.”

To my surprise, she withdrew a concealed blade from her forearm, hidden beneath her shirt.

It looked like one of my blades.

“You don’t have a weapon?” Amarra asked me.

“I do,” I replied, grabbing my own blade.

She didn’t comment on it, but her eyes widened as though she, too, was surprised at the similarity.

Sudden pain forced me to drop my blade as I bent into two, nearly biting my tongue to suffocate the scream threatening to erupt from me. And surprisingly, Mona did the same, collapsing to the ground and twitching in pain.

“What is this?” Amarra asked, reaching with her mind magic into me. She took a few seconds to examine my mind closely. When she spoke, she radiated fear. Through you, the monsters are connected. Something changed. They feel each other’s pain. Stop it. Now.

I don’t know how, I replied to her, within our minds, as Amarra helped me up.

Mona was seizing now. She thrashed on the ground, and shockingly, blood drizzled down her arm.

“She’s hurt?” I asked. “How?”

I looked around confusedly.

“Jasmine!” Amarra shook me. “The queen’s mind magickers are using your connection against you. She knows that connection between the monsters well. She’s making them share the pain.”

“She can’t,” I whispered. “I won’t let her.”

Mona stopped thrashing.

For a moment, I thought I had succeeded in breaking the connection without even properly trying but when I went to her, I knew that was the farthest thing from the truth.

I could not reach her.

Mona had passed out from the pain.

“You are the connection now,” Amarra said. “Block them off so they can fight!”

“Tell them to meet us by the lake,” Brigid said.

Casja nodded.

The monster folk’s pain was still in me. I couldn’t focus.

But I trusted my friends.

Go to the lake, I sent the message to the monster folk, hoping they would be able to listen. Gather near the river and fight together!

I closed them off.

Relief washed over me.

I was alone in my mind.

No pain.

No fear.

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