Page 167 of Stolen Crown

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“I really wasn’t,” I said. “But now that you reminded me, it could be argued that this is your way of dealing with things. I don’t want to be like you.”

“It’s getting late,” Casja interrupted us. “We should...”

“You don’t have to be like me,” Amarra replied as though Casja hadn’t even spoken. “But be smart. We can try to come up with a plan. All I said is that we cannot simply walk over there and claim the queen’s prisoner.”

“I know that,” I said. “But we can think about what we can do to save her. You can’t just ask me to ignore it completely. Even if we fail at saving her, we have to try.”

“Is this your way of dealing with things?” Amarra asked, angry for the first time ever. “Just jumping into things and not even calculating the risks? What will happen to all those you take with you? What if they fall, trying to save whoever it is that is probably dead in that dungeon?”

Anger flared in me.

“Fear should not make our decisions for us,” I snapped.

“Neither should stupidity!” Amarra replied angrily.

“Guys,” Brigid said, but I did not let her stop me.

“Why am I even discussing this with you?” I raised my voice. “You are not of the monster folk. You don’t even belong here. Why not just leave?”

“This is wrong,” Brigid tried to intervene again.

“I won’t leave,” Amarra said, getting up. I got up too. We were standing as though we were about to fight, but neither of us made a move to make that happen. “No matter how much you try to push me away, I won’t leave you. Not this time.”

“Push you away?” I laughed at her face. “Do you think this is some emotional outburst because you hurt me years ago by leaving? It’s not! I’m trying to make you understand that you have no say in this. Not about what I get to do or not do, and not about my life.”

“Stop it,” Brigid got in between us, putting her hands on our chests and pushing us away. “Something’s wrong.”

“What?” I shouted at her angrily.

“This fog,” Brigid said. “Don’t you see it?”

Chapter 40: Jasmine

“What fog?” I asked, looking around.

The fire pit gave off some smoke, but other than that, I couldn’t see anything that might suggest a fog was approaching.

“It’s settling too quickly,” Brigid replied. “And it’s... I think it’s coming from that way.”

She pointed toward the direction we had come from while entering the camp.

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