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“I can fuck your ass with this knife. Would you like that? You liked the gun here, maybe the knife will be better.”

“N—No!” She stutters, her little fingers curling around the white bedding.

“How about,no, thank you, Daddy?” I push harder, opening the tight muscle a fraction of an inch, the muscles down her legs hardening. “I expect my wife to be polite.”

“No, thank you, Daddy!”

She yelps as I pulse the metal end of the handle against her back entrance on a sharp breath, my dick weeping at the sight.

“Okay fine.” I scoff rolling my eyes. “Since you said it so nicely, I’ll fuck your ass with my cock today and not the knife. But first…” She turns to look, as I shake my head. “Remember, be still.”

I flip the knife around, the folded steel blade glinting in the light as I settle the tip next to the ‘R’ I carved into her flesh earlier.

“Ow!” She winces as I drag the blade over her ivory skin, using the precise necessary pressure to split the top layers of skin, leaving that glorious whisper-thin line of red behind. “Why are you doing this?”

“Wecoveredthis. You are being taught the ultimate lesson, daughter. You never, ever go against the family. Even when you think we aren’t family anymore. I’m making sure you and I will always be bound together. I’m carving my initials into you. This body, this mind, this heart…you’re legally my wife. You’ve got my initials in your ass and very soon, my child in your belly.”

“I told you. I’m on the pill. The doctor put me on it for my cramps, to get my period regular.”

“Doctor Taylor?” I say as she coughs on a sob, the last line of the ‘M’ finished as I stare down and admire my work.


I leave it with a dark chuckle as I run my fingers over the trickle of blood leaking from the ‘M’ in her ass. I lick it off, the metallic tang of blood lighting me up, then lean down, grabbing her hair and mounting my mouth on hers, sharing the taste of her binding blood into our kiss.

She lets out a soft moan and it tightens my chest. As much as I want her bound to me, I want her happy. I want her happy forever with me and by whatever means I can make that happen I will. My methods are far from ordinary but nothing about her is ordinary.

“How do you know who my doctor is?” She pants as I draw back, pulling her to her feet, and placing the knife on top of the white-lacquer nightstand as I run my index finger around her lips.

“How do you think you came to see that doctor? He was referred to you by…”

Her eyes narrow, then snap wide. “When we were all still living together. Mom made the appointment.”

“Good memory. She made the appointment because I told her to. I paid the bill too. Guess you forgot about all the ways I took care of you. That I still take care of you. Who do you think pays that doctor still?” I lean in to kiss the top of her head. “He’s been a good friend for a very long time. That littleinsulinmonitor he put on you a few months ago?”

She swallows as I brush the back of my fingers along her neck.

“What about it?” She cups one hand on her belly just above her hip.

“There’s no problem with your blood sugar, darling. That little mechanism has been sending me all kinds of data on you since it was implanted. Where you are, for one thing, your temperature, your hormone levels… I wanted to know exactly when you’d be ovulating.”

I let her think on that last bit for a moment before landing the kill shot.

“And those little packs of birth control pills?” I reach down and tug her dress up, grabbing her by the pussy in one quick motion before tossing her without ceremony onto the bed. As the air is expelled from her lungs, she stares up at me in confusion. “Every month I made sure I replaced your little packet from the pharmacy with one of my own. See, those pills don’t work so well after being exposed to high-intensity ultraviolet light for a week. Renders them…” I pause to be sure she’s following. “Inert.”

I smile as she puts the pieces together horror cinching her features as her bottom lip quivers.

“Now do as I say, daughter wife.”

Her eyes flash with defiance as I shake my head, cutting off any nonsense.

She senses her demise and lowers her chin.

“So beautiful in that dress,” I say, dropping my lips to her ear. “And don’t you worry that we didn’t take pictures of our big day.” I raise her chin with a pinch of my fingers, gesturing to the corners of the room. “Everything is being recorded so we can enjoy it over and over. I’ll have pictures made from the best parts. It’s all so exciting, isn’t it?”

She nods as I lean down and pepper her face with soft kisses. She may be outwardly fighting me but the way she gushed on my face and took my ring on her finger without kicking me in the balls, she’s just overthinking things.

“I’ll never love you,” she murmurs as if to punctuate my thoughts.

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