Page 107 of A Groom of One's Own

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I already miss his smiles and his touches and just him—the way he’s able to lighten any room he walks into with his presence alone.

“I’m just?—”

Whatever words were on their way to coming out of my mouth—maybe just nervous babble, maybe a confession, likeI’ll miss youor maybe evenI think I love you—I’m interrupted by a horn honking outside.

Like, obnoxiously honking.

It has to be Van.

Eli sighs heavily. “I think that’s my ride. Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” I hold out my arms for Doris. Eli gives her a little squeeze, looks like he’s about to kiss her head, then rethinks and hands her over.

Good call. Wet dog hair on the lips is not something anyone wants. Ever.

Especially not when you’re planning to kiss a human, which I guess he was, as he surprises me by leaning in quickly, kissing me so thoroughly that I stumble when he releases me. His big hands find my shoulders and squeeze lightly.

“Take care, wife. I’ll text. And call. And video call.”

“Any chance of adding teleportation into the mix?”

His grin is fast and sweet and makes me want to chase after him, stuffing myself in the bigger of his two suitcases.

“I wish,” he says. And then with a last look that I swear is full of enough longing to make my hope in this sprout wings, Eli pounds down the stairs, grabs his bag, and is gone.

Eli:Any point I score in tonight’s game is a gift for you.

Bailey:Should I take it personally if you don’t score?

Eli:I’m taking it personally that you’re even thinking I WON’T. You’ve been watching the last few games, right?

Bailey: Yes. I’ve been watching. Every game, I’ll have you know. With your mom, Annie, Doris, and sometimes Jenny, Shannon, and the book club ladies. Gran even came once.

Eli:How did Gran do? I think she hates me, by the way. She kicked me in the shin at our wedding.

Bailey:Sorry. It’s not personal. She hates me too. She kind of hates everyone. Except Felix. And Doris. They bonded. But it was fine having her over. Other than when she tried to steal a steak knife. For what purpose … I don’t want to know.

Eli:You really have watched every game?

Bailey:All the ones streamed on YouTube. Which is all of them so far. I don’t even get up to pee until there’s a commercial, which might be TMI, but too bad.

Bailey:You’re kind of good at the whole scoring thing.

Eli:Kind of?

Bailey:Didn’t take you for the kind of man who needs a good ego stroking.

Eli:We’re still getting to know each other. Maybe I’ve been hiding my giant ego from you all this time.

Bailey:Doubtful. I may not know ALL the little things about you, but I’m a good judge of character. I’m observant. And I’ve been snooping in your room.

Eli:Our room.

Bailey:Still feels like yours. Other than the half a dresser you cleaned out for me. Thanks for that. But especially for the Buenos. I’ve been finding them all over the room. How many did you hide?

Eli:I’ll never tell.

Bailey:Well, thank you. It’s very sweet.

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