Page 9 of Dancing in Sin

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Don’t ask me why, but my mind immediately goes to Nico. Even though not five minutes ago, I promised myself that I would stay away from him. I frown, annoyance slithering through me at the direction of my thoughts. It's fuckingridiculous. Thinking about Nico Marchetti in any capacity but the man who owns the place where I work. We are going to be nothing else but employer and employee. Not that I think for one second he would be interested in me in that way, but still. I need to remember my place. I inwardly roll my eyes. I am losing my mind over a man. I need to pull my shit together and remember why I am here in the first place. To make enough money so I can move the hell on. Maybe go to school and buy a small house with a picket fence. I don’t care about being rich. I just want to survive comfortably.

Shifting my thoughts back to the now, I realize I haven’t responded to Selena. Smiling, I tuck a lock of blonde hair behind my ear and speak. “I’m not really looking for anything right now.”

“Well, if you change your mind…” she trails off, but the implication is clear. I need to put her straight. Though I like Selena, I don’t need her setting me up with anyone. I don’t need the distraction of any man right now and Idefinitelydon’t need to be getting caught up in any situation that I can’t get myself out of. Relationships mean trust and honesty. I have no trust to give, and I can’t be honest about who I am or my past, so therefore it’s easier to be on my own. Maybe one day in the distant future that will change, but for now, I need to keep things simple.

“I won’t,” I say, with finality.


With my shift finished, I get cleaned up, pull on my sweats and coat, and prepare for my walk home. Pushing the staff door open, I shiver when the cold night air hits me in the face. Pulling my coat tighter around my body, I step outside into the dark early hours of the morning.

After my last dance, Selena and a couple of the other girls asked if I wanted to grab pizza with them, but I declined their offer wanting nothing more than to just go back to my room and sleep. It’s most likely done me no favors in making friends in this place but, to be honest, I don’t care. I am exhausted and right now, sleeping is more important than anything.

Closing the door behind me, I start down the dark back alley, heading in the direction of my building. I only make it a couple of steps when my name is called by a deep, masculine voice. My steps falter and I come to a complete stop. Just like every other time I have been around him, my heart rate kicks up in my chest. Fear trickles through my veins, all the hair on my body standing on end. Everything in me screams to run but for some reason, I stay put like an idiot. What the hell is wrong with me? I should not be alone with this man, especially in a darkened, secluded alley, where he could do anything to me without anyone witnessing it. Adrenaline pumps in my body, making me lightheaded. I suck in much-needed air, preparing myself for when I come face to face with him. Telling myself to get this over with, I spin around just as Nico steps out of the shadows, like a dark presence.

“Ocean,” he repeats, irritation thick in his voice.

“Nico?” His name is a question from my lips.

His stare drops to my lips before coming back to my eyes. Distaste flickers in his blue orbs and then he speaks. “What are you doing out here alone,” he glances at his watch. “At three o'clock in the morning?”

I swallow, shifting the strap of my duffle up my shoulder. My gaze flickers back to Nico before I mumble out. “I’m going home.”

He studies me for a long beat. His pointer finger comes up and runs across his full bottom lip. My eyes zero in on the movement. I never thought something like that could be so sexybut Jesus… I wonder what it would feel like to run my tongue against the pink flesh. Taste him.

“And where is home?” the rasp of his voice snaps me from my thoughts, hitting me right in my sex. A pulse thrums deep inside me, moisture seeping into my panties. Pressing my legs together, I try to alleviate the sudden ache causing a maelstrom of emotion inside me. I have never felt anything like this before, and I certainly don’t want to feel anything toward this man, but it’s as if I have no control over it. Glancing at Nico, I can tell he is aware of my current turmoil when a smirk curves his sinful lips. Damn him. The man doesn’t miss anything. “Answer me,” he demands, making me jump.

Shifting on my feet, I chew my lip as I search his face. I don’t want to tell him where I live, but I also get the distinct feeling that he won’t let me leave this dirty alley if I don’t give him something. “About three blocks away,” I tell him. I am being vague but that’s all he is getting.

Slipping his hands into his pants pockets, he watches me with that intensity that I have come to expect from him. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, tension filling the air with something I can’t explain. I should walk away. Break this connection between us. The electricity. Does Nico feel it too? Or is this… feeling… all one-sided? Surely a man like him could have any woman he wants. So why would he want me? I mean, I know I am attractive but so are all the other dancers at The Executive Club. Some of them are even models. I'm not experienced with men, and I don’t understand what’s going on here. But I need to get a handle on it and fast. Need to remind myself to stay the hell away from him.

“You walk? Alone?” he grits out, making me jump and breaking me from my reverie.

I nod. “It’s not far. And anyway, it’s not like there won’t be people around. This is the city that never sleeps.” I laugh, but from the clench of his jaw, he doesn’t see the humor in it.

“I will take you.” His voice leaves no room for argument. But I don’t care. There is no way am I getting in a car with him.

“No, thank you. I’m fine to walk. I do it most nights.” I spin away from him, ending the conversation. Without looking back, I rush down the alley towards the street and hopefully where other people are, but before I make it to the end, a solid arm wraps around me, pulling me into a hard, muscular chest. I yelp, trying to push away from him but he just holds me tighter.

“You are not walking on your own. If you are not comfortable with me giving you a ride, I will have one of my men take you,” he growls and… did he just smell my hair? I stiffen, my heart pounding in my chest. He smells so good. Masculine. I want to bury my nose in his chest and breathe in all things Nico. My eyes widen at my errant thoughts. I need to get away from here. Now.

“Let me go.” I push at his chest, trying to wriggle out of his hold and the lust fog he has cast on me. “I’ve been working here for about three weeks now and have walked home every single night. I don’t need one of your men to chauffer me. I can look after myself,” I grate the words out through clenched teeth because fuck this guy. He doesn’t get to control me or tell me what to do. He isn’t my father. I barely know him.

Growling, he shoves me away from him. I stumble, but before I hit the ground, I manage to steady myself on the cold brick wall of the building. My head snaps up to find Nico glowering down at me. Nose in the air like he is better than me. I glare back at him, my mouth parting, ready to give him what for, but he beats me to it.

“Fine. It’s your funeral. Don’t come crying to me when you are getting gang raped or killed behind a dirty dumpster. And all because you are too stubborn to accept my offer.” His voiceis detached, cold with every word out of his mouth. I shiver, knowing everything he said is a possibility, but still, it won’t make me accept his offer.

I will take my chances. I am aware of the dangers that lurk in this city.In every city. As long as I keep my wits about me, I should be fine. I have been so far. I don’t need a man to protect or save me. No way. With men like him, nothing comes for free. Every offer of help has a string attached to it. A string I am not willing to give. He may not want anything from me now, but he will. They always do. Of that much, I am sure. It’s not happening. I refuse to be in debt to anyone. Even if it is for something like a little car ride.

With those thoughts in mind, I shoot him a sweet, patronizing smile, turn on my heel, and run before he can stop me again.

Chapter 7


Stubborn fucking woman.

I glare after her as she all but runs down the alley toward the street. I shouldn’t care that she is walking alone in the dark. Yet, as I watch her walk away from me, that pert, heart-shaped ass bouncing, something claws at my chest, commanding me to go after her. To make her submit to me. To punish her for her insubordination… for being so reckless. And I would punish her. Hard. Just the thought alone makes my cock twitch in my pants with a need so strong my legs almost buckle.

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