Page 10 of Dancing in Sin

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“Fuck,” I bark out, running a frustrated hand through my hair, my eyes lasered in on the spot where Ocean just disappeared.

Before I can question it, or stop myself, I’m striding down the dirty, dark alley, following after her. I shouldn’t be walking these streets alone, not after all the shit with the Bratva we have going on. But I have this incessant need to know where she lives,whoshe lives with. Does she have a boyfriend? Someone at home waiting for her to return so he can sink his cock inside her. Cuddle with her. Red-hot anger snakes up my spine, jaw clenching on its own accord. There better not be any fuckingman. I don’t want to have to kill an innocent. Though I will if they are in my way.

Shaking my head, I try to shove down the strong emotions Ocean seems to elicit from me. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I seem to lose all rationality and control over this girl? I have never been possessive over a woman before. Ever. The fact that I seem to have become an unhinged stalker over Ocean, despite telling myself to stay away, only angers me further. It’s only a matter of time before I do something stupid. I know it.

Following her down the mostly empty street, I make sure to keep at a long enough distance, so she doesn’t see me. I track her every step with my eyes, glaring when she takes out her cell, giving it all her attention. Does she realize that she is putting herself at unnecessary risk? Does she understand the dangers that lurk in this city? The predators who are just waiting to take a bite out of someone like her?

You included, asshole, and you are the biggest predator of them all. That voice in my head whispers but I shake it away, staring at her like it is my job. Fury unfurls in my chest when after five long minutes she is still engrossed in whatever is on that damn phone, oblivious, with no idea of the monster that is tracking her.

We continue walking for another ten minutes, in the direction of a more... rundown part of the city. Rundown is being nice; this area is rough and has one of the highest crime rates in New York. Adrenaline pumps through my veins and I will her to continue walking to a nice neighborhood. I know my thoughts are pointless when she comes to a stop outside a brick building with a sign hanging out front.Book and Bed Hostel for Women. My brows shoot up in disbelief. She lives here? In a shithole building in one of the worst areas in the city?

Everything inside me prays that she is just here visiting someone, a friend, but when she punches in a code, pushing thedoor open in the next second, it's confirmed. Ocean lives here. In a hostel for women. Though I hate the place, I can’t help but be a little relieved that it’s not mixed accommodation. I can rest easy that she isn’t at risk of men hitting on her when she goes home. I chuckle at my thoughts, though the situation is not humorous at all.

My eyes go back to the building, lips turning up in disdain. Is this why Ocean didn’t want me to give her a ride? Is she embarrassed? My eyes narrow in on her just as she steps inside and closes the door. I hate to admit that I stare, long after the door closes, but I do. The girl is an anomaly, one I was intrigued by before, but now even more so. She told me her parents were dead, which would explain why she is working for me and living here. But surely, she has relatives that can help her out, find her somewhere better to live? Even if she doesn’t have family, I know for a fact that she is one of our best earners and makes good money at The Executive Club. So why here? Surely, with the money she is earning, she could afford something a little better than a hostel?

My eyes roam over the building, looking for any sign of her in the windows as I try to make sense of everything I have learned. Something isn’t adding up. I want to know everything.

Pulling my cell from my pants pocket, I scroll through my contacts until I find the name of my PI. Clicking the message icon, I type out a text before hitting send. My eyes go back to the building. A smirk curves my lips, my heart pumping wildly in my chest with the anticipation of what comes next. I glance at my cellphone screen, reading over the words.

Me: Find out everything there is to know about Ocean Embers.


“Christ, Nic, you shouldn’t be walking around this city alone. Not with the Bratva on our asses,” Dante snaps, running his hands through his hair in frustration as he paces the floor in my office.

I know damn well that I shouldn’t have gone after Ocean on my own. But I can protect myself and, best friend or not, he needs to remember who he is talking to. “I’m aware, Dante. Now watch your mouth.” I bark, pinning him with a look that dares him to argue with me.

Shooting me a glower, he shakes his head before dropping down on one of the chairs in front of the desk. “What were you doing anyway?” he asks, curiosity lacing his tone.

Ignoring his gaze, I glance at the pile of papers on my desk, picking them up and shuffling them around just so I don’t have to look at him. If I make eye contact with Dante, he will know that I’m lying when I speak my next words. Not that I care. But if I tell him what I was really doing – stalking Ocean – that is going to lead to questions I don’t have answers to right now. Clearing my throat, I speak. “I was tracking a patron. I thought he might have been a spy for the Russians. Turns out I was wrong.” It's vague but it’s all I’ve got, and I don’t owe Dante answers.

I feel his eyes on me. Scrutinizing me, but I don’t look up. “Yeah. Well, next time make sure to take me or one of the other hundred guards that work for you. Things are tense right now. You shouldn’t have been so reckless, Nic.” he admonishes.

“Sure,” I drawl drily, my gaze meeting his.

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Man, did you see the new girl tonight? Fuck, she had the whole club caught up in her spell, dancing on that stage. I’m beginning to think she has special powers of some kind. The whole fucking club was entranced by her.” He says with a hint of awe in his voice.

My eyes narrow in on him, searching his face. Is he trying to goad me? Dante knows me better than anyone. He has seen theinterest I have clearly shown in her. Is this his way of finding out how deep my fascination goes? He smirks, proving my thoughts. My jaw clenches as I try to keep my anger at bay. Exhaling a breath, I ignore the asshole and whatever game he is playing. “She brings in a lot of money,” I drawl nonchalantly.

His face is blank for less than two point five seconds before he bursts out laughing. I grit my teeth as I watch him, reminding myself that he is my best friend and not to kill him. His amusement finally stops. He wipes his eyes, shaking his head. “I give it a month before you have her in your bed and your cock buried inside her.”

Though I would take the same bet, I won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he is right. I should stay far away from Ocean, but the truth is, I already know I am going to fuck her. Nothing or no one will stop me. Not even myself. “Pay up now asshole. It’s not happening. We have rules in place for a reason.” The lie tastes thick on my tongue.

“You say that now, but I know you, Nic. She is exactly your type. I have seen the way you watch her. You want her and you never deny yourself anything.” He pushes out of his chair, shooting me a smug look. “A month,” he repeats, moving toward the door.

A slither of annoyance rushes through me, but I shove it down. “Where are you going?” I shout after him.

“Leo has tonight’s earnings,” he throws over his shoulder, before pulling open the door and leaving.

I slump back into my chair, running a thumb over my bottom lip, my thoughts going to the woman who seems to have consumed my mind. Even though I know the rules, I will fuck her out of my system. Who the hell is going to tell me no? I am the boss so I can do what the hell I like. Maybe then, after being inside her cunt, this interest I have will go away, though there is a small voice in my head telling me, warning me, that it's naïveto think like that. There is little about Ocean Embers that I don’t want to explore. A hunger inside me that will only be satiated by taking a bite out of her. The forbidden fruit, the one that should be off limits to me of all people, but isn’t that what makes it all the more exciting?

Because I am a man with no boundaries, no restrictions. No one stands in my way, and I always get what I want. That’s not ego. It’s truth. I was raised as a king and that is what I am.

Even as my mind screams at me that Ocean will be my downfall… It only makes me want her more.

And that’s a problem.

A big fucking problem.

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