Page 48 of Dancing in Sin

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She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. “Don’t insult me,mio figlio. Of course, I did.”

“You should know by now; your mamma is the perfect example of a good Italian woman and only prepares meals from scratch.” Papà drawls, transferring some of the meat, cheese, and pasta combination from the dish to his plate.

Glancing at my sister, I relax when I see Allegra looking slightly less tense. She shoots me a grateful smile. I return it, knowing that I achieved what I set out to do. The conversation successfully changes and with everyone more relaxed, we fall into light conversation and eat the delicious food Mamma made.


“Are we heading back into the city tonight?” Dante asks from his seat in what my papà calls the ‘gentleman’s lounge’. It’s a room a couple of doors down from his home office. With plush leather Chesterfield chairs, a bar cart, and a poker table, it’s everything you expect for aDon’sentertainment room. The only time the space is really used is when I’m home or when Papà wants to have a guy’s night with Giuseppe and some of his other higher-ups. It’s a shame, really. I glance around, imagining it through Ocean’s eyes. Would she like this space? Would she like this house?

I shake the thoughts away, knowing that it’s stupid to even imagine because Ocean will never be allowed on this estate, let alone in this room. And for more reasons than one. Anger slithers across my skin and I inhale the thick smoke into my lungs, releasing it before answering. “Nah. Its late.”

He waggles his brows. “You don’t fancy seeing your woman tonight?”

My eyes narrow in on him. He knew I was lying with my reply. Truth is, I want to exert some control around Ocean before it gets out of hand. I need to prove to myself that I can spend a night without being buried in the tightest, wettest, most perfect pussy I have ever had. Plus, I have Gio following her every move and giving me updates. There is also the small matter of the cameras I have set up in her apartment, that make me feel more comfortable about staying away tonight. With one click of the app on my cell, I can have my eyes on her. I know she is there – Gio told me – so I have stopped myself from looking, just to prove that I can have some control where she is concerned. Only just though. The need to see her with my own eyes itches beneath my skin, begging me to open up my cell and take a peek. I won’t though. I’ve always practiced constraint and I am not about to completely lose it over Ocean.

“I think you have your own shit to worry about, Dante.” My voice is cool as I shoot him a smirk.

He glowers, pointing his glass of whiskey at me. “Fuck you, man.”

I snort. “If you don’t want me to come at you, stop trying to start shit with me.”

He eyes me with a smirk before shaking his head. “God, we’re both so screwed.”

“Speak for yourself,” I grunt.

“You forget who you’re talking to, Nic. I know you. I see–” he is cut off by the door being shoved open and my papà entering the room.

“Ahh, I thought I would find you both in here.” He moves to the bar cart, where he pours his own glass of thirty-year-old Macallan. Spinning to face us, he takes a sip, before moving to his leather chair. The one no one else would dare to sit in. His gaze bounces from me to Dante then back to me, a contemplative look on his face. I know he is preparing to speak so I wait him out. It doesn’t take long.

“I’ve been talking with Giuseppe.” He starts and all the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. Whatever he is going to say won’t be good. I am proved right by his next words. “What are your thoughts on selling women?”

I nearly spit my drink out, my whole body stiffening at his words. My lips curl in disgust. “Human trafficking? No. Thefamigliahas never dealt in trafficking humans. So why now? It’s a bad move, Papà.” I’m shaking my head, unable to hide the revulsion on my face. “No,” I repeat.

He chuckles, the sound making my skin crawl. “I thought that would be your answer figlio. It was just a thought. You know, to branch into other avenues of income.”

My jaw clenched, I say, “We have enoughavenues. Enough money to last ten lifetimes. We don’t need tobranchinto thatsick shit. We despise the organizations that do it, and that’s one of our issues with the Bratva, so why would you even think about doing something like that?”

He waves me off, a devilish look on his face. “Alright. Alright. No humans.”

“No humans.” I reiterate through gritted teeth, my gaze shifting to a silent Dante. He knows better than to speak up to my papà. It won’t do him any favors to do so.

“I need to come to your club again. Jesus, your dancers are something else.” he hums his approval, the quick change of subject giving me whiplash. “Give them enough money and they let me fuck them in any way I wanted.” He smirks lasciviously, his tongue coming out and running against his bottom lip.

Disdain washes over me. Christ. When did Papà get so…gross? I run a hand over my mouth, to hide my aversion toward him. “Yeah. I heard you had fun.” I deadpan.

He chuckles heartily. “That I did son. That I did.” His face sobers and he pins me with a look I can’t decipher but I definitely don’t like it. “What about you? Any… girls taken your fancy?”

I stiffen at his question. It has never come up before because I knew any woman would be decided for me. So why is he asking this now? I search his face, keeping my own blank mask in place. Does he know about Ocean? I inwardly shake my head. No. There is no way. I have been careful and he would have dealt with the situation already. I take a sip of my own drink, trying to calm my racing heart and avoiding Dante’s gaze, which I can feel burning into the side of my head. Clearing my throat, I plaster on a fake smile. “Nah. Still the same Nico. Fuck women and discard them. I don’t do feelings. I fuck. You know that, Papà.”

He grins, happy with my response. “It’s the best way, son. You will be tied down soon enough. Not that a wife will stop you. You are a fucking Marchetti, you can do what the hell you please.You can have a wife and a hundredputtana’sif that is what you wish.” He chuckles and I force myself to laugh along with him.

His cell rings, drawing his attention away from me. I glance at Dante to find a look of concern on his face that I’m sure matches my own. After the conversation about selling women, and that question, I fear Papà is losing his damn mind. It’s making him dangerous. Unpredictable.

It’s in this moment, I know one thing for certain.

Lorenzo Marchetti must go before he ruins us all.

Chapter 32

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