Page 28 of Dancing in Sin

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I am startled out of my cock panicked haze, when the sound of wood smacking a wall hits my ears. Glancing up, I see it’s a door. A door to his bedroom. In his rush to get his cock inside me, he must have kicked it open. I swallow, my body tensing with nerves. I’m going to die. I. Am. Going. To. Die. Death by dick. Oh my God. I should put a stop to this. Right now.

My eyes swing to Nico. As if he can hear every thought in my head, he grabs me by the hips, lifts me in the air, and strides to the bed, throwing me down like I am his little toy to do with as he pleases. Nico’s gaze rakes over my body, and it’s only then that I remember I am naked from the waist down. I feel exposed, on display, suddenly shy, scared… I cock my head. I am all those things, but the hungry look in Nico’s eyes also makes me feel powerful.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I suck in a calming breath. I can do this. I started this and now I have to finish it. My eyes snap open, gaze raking down his still fully clothed body. In his black suit pants and white dress shirt, he exudes power. Raw masculinity. Pure sex. There is something to be said about this moment. Him dominant, a predator, with me at his mercy. I shiver wanting Nico exactly how he is. He smirks as if he just read my mind. Again.

“Take off your sweatshirt.” He growls and from the look in his eyes, there is no backing out now. I don’t want to. I just fear the unknown. Of how it will feel when he pushes his cock inside me. It’s going to hurt, I know it will, but I think I trust Nico not to completely hurt me. Maybe once he realizes that I lied, he will be gentle. Wishful thinking on my part, and perhaps a little naïve, but it’s all I’ve got to try and calm my racing nerves.

Knowing my fate is sealed and that I only have myself to blame, I resign myself to whatever happens next. Grabbing the hem of my sweatshirt, I make quick work of pulling it over my head. My heart pounds in my chest when my eyes meet Nico’s. His tongue darts out, running across his bottom lip and he groans. Can he still taste me? My cheeks heat as I remember his mouth on my pussy.

“Bra too. I want to see your tits when I fuck you,” he murmurs. The possessiveness in his voice has my stomach tightening and arousal seeping from me. Even in my worry, I don’t think I have ever been so turned on in my life. At this moment, I decide that even if the pain is unbearable when he rips through my innocence, I want it. I want to feel all of it. All of him. Both of us stripped down to our baser instincts, raw and needy. For each other.

I frown, briefly wondering where these thoughts are coming from and how I did a complete one-eighty in a couple of seconds. While all the girls at my private school were sex and boy-mad, it never bothered me. It was drilled into me from my early teens that I would be with one person for the rest of my life. I didn’t want the person I was promised to, so sex was the last thing on my mind. Never once did I imagine that I would have the freedom to explore my sexuality, in any way, let alone with someone like Nico Marchetti.

“I’m not going to fuck you with a condom,” Nico states, snapping me from my thoughts. “I want to feel all of you. Everylittle part of your tight cunt when I push inside you. I want your arousal soaking my cock. I want to feel it all.” He pauses, cocking his head. “Are you on birth control?”

Chewing my bottom lip, I nod. “Yeah.”

He smirks and it is by far the sexiest thing I have ever seen. He is so handsome, the ache between my legs throbs with need. “I’m clean.” He adds. “I’ve never fucked a woman bare before.” He unbuttons his shirt, throwing it down on the floor. “I want to be with you. I don’t want anything between us. Ever. Are you clean?”

Again, I nod, not one hundred percent sure I understand. If he means have I showered, then I did before work. Or could he mean… my eyes widen. An STD? I bite back a gasp. No. Idefinitelydo not have one of those. So yeah, I am clean in both senses. Satisfaction flashes in his eyes. “Good. Because I am going to fuck you raw. Feel every inch of your perfect cunt. Fill you up with my cum until it leaks out of you. And then, when I am finished, I am going to do it all over again until you can’t take anymore. By the time I am done with you, you will be sweating my essence out of your pores.” He pushes his pants, then boxer briefs, down his legs in one swift move. His huge cock bounces free, smacking against his abs. My jaw drops open. I blink. Then blink again, just to make sure what I am seeing is real. Holy fuck it is. The hardness I felt against my leg had nothing on seeing him up close and personal. He is bigger than I imagined. So much bigger. Huge. The type of cock that should be on display for people to admire, not one to go inside any part of you. There is no way that thing is going anywhere near my pussy. He will tear me apart. Destroy me from the inside out.Killme. I swallow. This was a mistake. I want an average guy with an average length. NotMr. Dangerous Dinosaur dick.

With one hand he palms himself. I watch with rapt attention as he works his cock, only half listening when he speaks.“Tomorrow, you won’t be able to walk without feeling me in every part of your body. And my cum will be dripping out of you for days. Just how I want it.” He muses, stroking himself harder. And he isn’t lying. The size of him, I think I will feel him until the day I die.

Scooting back on the bed, I start to rethink my obvious stupidity. God, I have no business messing around with a man like this. He is going to annihilate me. Literally. “May-maybe we should slow it down a little.” I stutter.

Nico’s head cocks to the side, his blue orbs lighting up with challenge. I know then, I am not getting out of here with my innocence intact. He is fucking me whether I want it or not. And I do want it. I’m just…scared. “I have waited for what feels like a lifetime to get inside that pussy. Nothing and no one will stop me from claiming you right now,Tesoro. Not even you.” He climbs on the bed, grabs my ankles and pulls me towards him. “Because you are mine, aren’t you? Your smart mouth, your perfect cunt…” he trails off with a groan as he peppers kisses up the inside of my thigh.

Throwing my head on the pillow, I resign myself to the fact that this is happening, and I have more chance of winning the lottery than walking out of this apartment with my virginity intact. I startle when his mouth latches onto my clit, my back arching in pure bliss when he pushes a finger inside me. He pumps into me, slowly building the pleasure before pulling out. “You are so fucking wet, I am going to slide right into you.” he presses kisses to my stomach, between my breasts before sucking one nipple and then the other into his mouth. I moan. It feels so good and makes me forget all my fears.

Releasing me, he nips at my neck, chin, and lips and my gaze meets his. Blue on blue. For the briefest second, the thought of what our children would look like crosses my mind before I shake it away. One orgasm and I’m marrying the guy. I bite backa laugh at the absurdity. Pressing his lips to mine, he lines his cock up with my entrance. I tense, making him look down at me. A frown mars his face before he drops a kiss to my nose. “Relax,Tesoro. I’m big, but I’ve prepared you well enough to take me.”

My guess is it doesn’t matter how well he has prepared me. It’s going to hurt no matter what. “Can you go slow?” I whisper over the lump in my throat.

He smiles, brushing his lips against mine. “I will, to begin with. You are so tight, and I’m a big guy. But when I have stretched you enough, all bets are off. I am not a gentle lover, and the sooner you get used to that, the better. You are going to learn very quickly exactly how I like to fuck.”

He pushes into me, slow and gentle. All the air leaves my lungs. The pain is real, the burn intense, as stretches me wide open to accommodate him. Fuck. He really is going to break me. “Oh my God.” I cry out in pain when his hips drive forward in one quick move, breaking straight through my innocence.

He smirks, his triumphant gaze landing on me. I know why. He just realized I lied. “Fuck.” He breathes. “You were a virgin. Why did you lie? Did you think I wouldn’t know?” he looks down to where we are joined, slowly pumping in and out as he stretches my pussy. I take it as a good sign that he hasn’t stopped.

“I don’t know.” I gasp when he slides his whole cock inside me. The tight fit of his length stings when he pulls out a little only to plunge back in. I wriggle to try and ease the pain. I am so full of him. Surrounded by all things him.

A smug, satisfied grin takes over his whole face, his blue eyes holding me captive. “I am going to teach and mold you into what I want. You will learn everything I like and become everything I need. You don’t know what you have gotten yourself into,Tesoro. The moment I broke through your innocence your fate was sealed. For better or worse, you are mine now.” he whispers,licking a trail up my neck, before pulling back. Nico searches my face for a long beat before his left hand comes up to wrap around my throat. “You just created a monster, Ocean. I have always had a penchant for making people bleed. But they have nothing on what your virgin blood feels like soaking my cock.” He groans cryptically before pulling his dick nearly all the way out only to slam back into me so hard, I move up the bed.

“Nico,” I whimper, pain mixed with a hint of pleasure hitting every part of my body.

“I’m sorry, baby. I told you I would be gentle, but now I know that I am the first man to be inside you, it changes things.” He growls, pumping into me, so hard, so deep I can’t do anything but succumb to the way he fucks me. Animalistic. Feral. And with the most possessive gleam in his eyes, it has my stomach dipping. Whether in concern or excitement, I’m not sure. “Fuck. You are so fucking tight; your cunt is gripping me like a vise.” He snarls, his thrusts speeding up. He slams into me harder, faster as if he is trying to break me in two. I cry out, the pain now subsided and pleasure lighting up my veins.

With his free hand, he reaches down, circling my clit. I whimper, my back arching up into him. Wanting more.Needingmore. Trying to chase the high only he can give me. “Oh, oh, oh. Nico.” I gasp at the sensations flowing through me.

He smirks, his head dropping to the crook of my neck. Hot breath hits my ear when he speaks. “Come for me,Tesoro. Come, so I can fill you up with my seed. Lay my white flag and mark you as mine.”

My stomach tightens, legs shaking as I succumb to his brutal thrusts and dirty words. Before I know what’s happening, an orgasm tears through me, so intense that I nearly black out from the powerful force of it. “Nico,” I scream out his name, my eyes rolling shut as I slump back onto the mattress, sated. I can onlyhope his penthouse is soundproof, I dread to think what the other occupants might think if they heard me.

He licks a trail up my neck. “Good girl. You are so fucking good for me, soaking my cock. Now open your eyes and watch me as I fill your pussy.” My eyes snap open. The look in his own has me nearly coming again. He picks up speed, his thrusts getting harder, jerkier. His gaze never leaves mine and I am completely consumed by all things Nico. I briefly wonder if I can stay in this moment forever, where only he and I exist. But it’s a pipe dream. This, whatever this is, can never last.

An animalistic groan rumbles from him, pulling me from my thoughts. He goes stock still and I wonder if something is wrong. Then I see it. Pure undiluted desire and maddening possession stare back at me as his cock pulses and warmth fills my insides. He came. Inside of me. My stomach tightens, and my pussy clenches. I know he feels it when his eyes spark with satisfaction and a smile curves his lips.

“Good girl. You took me so well.” He praises, breaking the silence. Leaning down, he presses a kiss to my forehead before pulling out. A surge of wetness runs down my sex and to my ass.

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