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About four o’clock in the afternoon, he got a call from Washington, D.C.. It was Admiral Patterson, a member of the Joint Chiefs.

“SO Cunningham, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and unfortunately, I’ve not met you in person.”

“Honored, Sir. Please call me Harper. What can I do for you?”

“Very well. I’ll get right to it without the small talk, if you don’t mind.”

“Fine by me, Sir.”

“We are considering a special team, a special team of operators from several branches of the military and other assets as well. All U.S., no foreign assets. I’d like to discuss it with you, and I’m going to send a transport to Santa Rosa to pick you up tomorrow. I’d like you to come for a visit, so I can sit down and talk to you about what we have in mind.”

“What has facilitated this, Admiral, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m extremely flattered, but I’m just a little guy here. I’m not an officer or team leader. I’m just a grunt. Why call me?”

“Because the individual we want you to hunt down and bring back is the individual we believe was responsible for your wife’s assassination. We thought you would be the perfect person to head up this new team.”

“Until today, I understood that sonofabitch had already been returned to the Source.”

“This turned out to be inaccurate information. A man was returned, but not the one responsible.”

“You have proof of this?” he asked Patterson.

“We do. And you shall see it.”

Harper hesitated. “But I don’t do commands. I don’t want to be in charge of anybody. I can barely be in charge of myself.”

“My wife says the same of me. So I understand. But we think you’re uniquely qualified, and we know you have the proper motivation to make this work for us. The President of the United States has asked me to contact you personally. He will also be sitting in on the meeting.”

Harper was at a loss for words. His heart was ready to run down into the woods and chase after that mountain lion. His gut told him this meeting would change his life, and he suspected not in a good way. He didn’t trust anyone above Kyle’s rank, no matter who they were.

“Harper, tomorrow’s the only day we can do this. The president doesn’t usually get no for an answer. I’d like your commitment that you’ll be on that plane when it arrives tomorrow at ten o’clock.”

Chapter 5

Harper was edgyall afternoon after the call with the admiral. He packed, bringing just enough for a two-day stay. He’d wear a sports jacket and his polished loafers on the plane, so everything else was light and would fit in one duffel bag.

He had permission to wear his sidearm and brought along a journal for notes, sticking it in his laptop case he’d carry over his shoulder. He didn’t want anyone rummaging through any checked baggage when he flew commercial, so he was accustomed to traveling this way.

He let Venom outside to wander a bit while he watched over him. The sun tilted toward the west and would set in just shy of two hours. That gave him an idea.

He put on his long running pants, running shoes, a t-shirt, and a lightweight parka. Then he grabbed Venom, and the two of them headed toward the coast, which would take them nearly thirty minutes.

He’d used the seat warmers so that by the time he pulled into the parking lot at Goat Rock State Beach, even through the thick fleece he pulled from the second seat, the driver’s side would stay warm and toasty for Venom. The truck was angled closest to the ocean, with a perfect view of the beach and the gathering of yoga enthusiasts below.

“I’ll be about an hour, Venom. You stay put and watch.” He showed the dog the bowl of water he’d placed on the passenger side floor for him.

Then he cracked the windows and locked the doors all around.

He’d brought an old blanket tucked under one arm as he made it down the narrow trail that led to the shore. Several people had gathered already, staking out their places. Harper spread the blanket at the outside of the group, midway back.

The instructor was facing the west in a resting meditation pose, legs crossed, palms upturned and resting on her bent knees, her thumb and third finger touching on both hands. As he sat and stretched to touch his toes, which was difficult for him, she abruptly stood up and addressed the group.

Harper turned to check on Venom and saw his companion stoically sitting tall in the driver seat, inspecting every move in front of him.

Her name was Evie, and the photograph on her brochure was nice but didn’t do her justice in the flesh. Her long blonde hair was tied in a braid that hung midway down her back. She wore a one-piece aqua-blue bodysuit that showed every curve in her supple, lithe body. With graceful arms extended to the sides, she encouraged everyone to stand and do the same.

Harper shed his parka and followed suit.

She led the group in several stretches, toe-touches, back bends, arches, and waist turns and tilts. They pressed against their elbows as they wrapped themselves first in one arm and then the other. They did lunges and then Warrior Pose several times, Harper having trouble with his balance.

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