Page 99 of Twisted Truths

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Dillon and I left the room before I broke down into a sobbing mess and went outside.

“Are thems big dogs?” Blue eyes looked up at me.

“They are.” I gave him my best smile.

He pulled at my arm, trying to get me to move faster, and I jogged alongside him as we ran. Once we got to the barn, I pushed the heavy door to the side and the two dogs came running.

They crowded Dillon, snuffling his face, making him giggle.

“The one with longer hair is Ellie and the other one is Hercules.”

“I luffs them!”

Laughing, I pulled the door closed and watched Dillon walk back to the house with the dogs flanking him.

I leaned against the door, trying to collect my thoughts, but it was futile. What I thought was just a crush or puppy love was so much more.

“You’re so fucked.” I shook my head and walked back into the house.

As I walked towards the house, my mind spun with possibilities, but I had no idea how things were about to play out.

Walking into the house, I heard laughter and Henry’s voice.

Was it wrong to want this life?

“Mommy!” Charlie bounced in his seat. “We gots spots pizza!”

Henry and his dad sat at opposite ends of the table. The boys sat beside each other on the far side and I took my place across from them.

“We got Nonna’s.”

I whipped my head towards Mr. Walsh. “Is there anything better?”

“Not when it comes to pizza.” He smiled at me.

A large pepperoni sat beside a large veggie pizza. I took a piece of each and caught Henry staring at the boys.

“Dillon, are you eating vegetables?” His face screwed up.

“Yep. ‘Charlie saids they’s yummy.”

“I’ve told you that.” Confusion filled his face and I laughed.

“Sometimes we need someone else to tell us good things.” I bit into the pizza, moaning at how amazing it tasted. “So good.”

Henry sat back in his seat, watching his sons wolf down vegetable pizza as though they hadn’t eaten a thing all day.

“Don’t they feed you at school?” He chuckled.

“We’s hungry.” Charlie chomped down, nodding.

Dillon pointed out something specific. “I really like this green one.”

Looking over, I couldn’t stop smiling. “That’s a bell pepper.”

“It ‘splodes in my mouth.”

Henry finished a piece and looked shocked. “I really like this pizza.”

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