Page 92 of Marked By the Alpha

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“There he is!” I heard Leslie yell, and I turned my head to see him and Anders running towards us. “My son, my sweet boy.” His hands moved over my body. “Are you injured?”

“The entire pack has been looking for you.” Anders checked my legs and feet. “I bet you need a long soak in the tub.”

“Sebastian. Your dad asked you something.” I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat.

“Wrong.” Leslie grabbed my head. “We’re asking you.”

“Me?” My bottom lip trembled.

“Duh.” Anders smiled and stroked my legs.

“My body hurts.” I sniffled. “But I can move again.”

Anders nodded. “The council is waiting for Myra and Simon. They’ll decide their fate.”

“I need to get him to the hospital.” Sebastian pushed through his dads and walked over to their car. “Let’s go!”

They ran over and Anders opened the back door for Sebastian. He climbed in slowly and once were inside; he wrapped his arms around me fully, cradling me, purring.

“I’ve missed you.” I sobbed again, and he rocked us.

“I’m sorry I was so controlling.” I winced as I raised my arm so I could cup his face with my hand.

“You weren’t.” I half chuckled. “I didn’t know what was wrong. I was moody, and sore, and my stomach kept rolling.”

“Baby.” He kissed the tip of my nose again. “The doctor’s can help.”

I nodded and rested against him. “I’m sorry I ran away.”

“You needed space. I can understand that.” His deep voice rolled over my body and my stomach filled with butterflies.

I barely heard my voice. “Do you need space?”

“No.” He moved his arm to cup my face. “You’re my mate. My love. My best friend. I tell you things I haven’t even told Julius.”

“Thank you for finding me.”

“I love you.” He brushed his lips over mine again. “I’ll always come for you.”

I gasped and felt tears fall down my cheeks. “I love you too.” I tried to snuffle my snot back up, but I ended up blowing a snot bubble with my declaration, making him chuckle.

He held me closer to him and we quietly rode the rest of the way to Eden Memorial in the neighboring city of Castle Hollow.

The lights coming in off the main road shone brightly as Anders drove us up to the emergency room.

Sebastian opened the door and slid out, taking care not to jostle me as he carried me inside.

Two nurses ran over and escorted us past the main desk and into a room. A third nurse came in with a clipboard. And a fourth nurse followed holding a blanket.

“Violet brought you a warm blanket.” The tall blond smiled gently. “I’m Abigail or you can call me Abi.”

“Thank you, Abi.” Sebastian took it and wrapped me up.

“And for you, what size do you wear?” a tiny slip of a woman ducked her head between the other two. “I’m Shar, and I’ll get you some scrubs.”

“Long and big.” Sebastian kept his eyes on me.

“Works for me.” She dashed out.

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