Page 91 of Marked By the Alpha

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“He was mine first.” His nostrils flared in anger.

“Because you raped him.” I stepped closer and launched a fist, surprised when he blocked it.

“He never said no!” He led with a left hook, and I blocked him.

He charged at me, and I got a right hook in under his arms. “That’s what you’re going with?” I followed with a left hand across the top.

Simon stepped back and then came full force at me with two jabs that I blocked and followed with a right hand across the top again.

“You almost know how to fight, Simon.” I laughed. “Did you mommy teach you that?” I dropped my voice to a baby sound, mocking him.

He lost concentration, giving me an opening to go at him. My fists connected with his jaw, ribs, gut and when he spun around, I kick him in the ass, shoving him down.

“Fuck you, Sebastian!” He rolled and hopped back up. “He loved the attention I gave him!” he stepped up with a left hook lead, then backed up.

“Did you give him sweet love taps like these?” I circled around and waited for him to come at me again.

When he stepped in, I rained punches down anywhere I could land them, twisting my trunk and keeping my guard up. I fake a couple of blows and bounce back.

Simon stepped up, and his right fist cracked against my jaw, leaving him open as I swung hard, nailing his temple. He wavered on his feet and fell back.

I heard a car pull up, as I ran down the cellar stairs to find Logan and Flynn holding the old lady and Julius removing the restraints from Nolan’s arms and legs.

Running over, my fingers trembled as I undid the tie and lifted it away, pulling the dark goggles off and throwing them to the ground. My hands cupped his face, and using my thumbs, I wiped the tears away.

“You found me,” He whispered.

“I found you, baby.” I pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Simon’s knocked out cold in the yard.”

“I wanna go home.” His chest bounced as he sobbed.

Looking over, Julius nodded, and I scooped my love up. “We’re going home.”

“Aww, ain’t you two cozy?” The old woman hissed. “Think he’ll still want you knowing you’re carrying my nephew’s whelp?”

“Shut. Up.” I glared at her. “Take her up.”

“On it.” Logan and Flynn lifted her up and carried her out of the cellar.

“It hurts to move.” Nolan trembled in my arms.

“It’s okay, we’re leaving here and heading to the hospital.” I nuzzled my head against his.


Sebastian’s arms felt wonderful and I could move my head, but not without pain. I felt like they had trapped my body in sludge.

“You came for me.” I rolled my head to be nearer to his heart. “How did you find me?”

Sebastian carried me out of the cellar and into the fresh air. “I looked for you when you didn’t come back home. I couldn’t scent you at the river.”

“They hit me over the head, and when I first woke I was in a dark box with an oxygen mask.” Tears rolled down my face.

“Baby.” He stopped walking and pressed kisses all over my head and the tip of my nose. I lifted my head and felt his lips brush against mine. “I was so worried.”

“Myra kept me in the dark. And there was this horrible rotting smell, so I couldn’t tell where I was or who I was with.”

“When I crossed the river, I could smell her and some others. Following the scents brought me here, but that woman threw water balloons at me filled with something horrid.”

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