Page 111 of In The Shadows

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“And if you’re wrong, it isn’t just your heart he could destroy. You’re playing a risky game,” he says with less bite in his tone than before.

I push at his arm, and he drops it. “I’m not wrong. He’s coming back to me, Nyx. I know it,” I say, heading toward the door.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Lily. Because I’ll kill him if he hurts you,” Nyx says, and I stop at the threshold to look at him.

“I know you will, but I promise I can handle this.” I give him a soft smile before leaving him in the library to stew in his irritation.

As I fall asleep, I run through every scenario of how this can go. But they all end with Theo hating me for one reason or another. Nyx is right about one thing: he’ll destroy more than just my heart. When all this ends, I know I’ll never recover. I’m bound to be forever broken by the man I’ve always loved.

Chapter 27


Gray eyes bore into me as I square off with Nyx.

“It’s not happening,” he murmurs through gritted teeth. We’ve been stuck in this staring contest for far too long, neither of us budging.

“Ok then, let’s go to your chambers to get some clothes for Theo. You’re the only one close to his size. Or we could just let him walk around naked. You won’t hear any complaints from me,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

His face pinches in disgust at the image, and Hiram gags at his spot against the wall.

“Then it’s settled. I will take Theo to the village to have him fitted for new clothing.” I lean back in my chair. Nyx doesn’t budge. It seems his arms have become permanently attached to my desk in the council room.

“Like I just said, it isn’t happening. It’s too risky. He could try to escape. He could take advantage of the situation and try to harm you,” Nyx counters.

I roll my eyes at the implication that Theo would hurt me.

“Honestly, I’m more afraid of her hurting him than the other way around, General,” Hiram chimes in with a smirk.

I smile brightly at my friend for having my back.

“He can’t keep wearing the same donated clothes he has been for the past few weeks. They’re too small, and the seams are already ripping. We need to take him to the village to get some properly fitting ones,” I say, trying to soften my tone, but doubting it will work.

We’ve been at this for so long the sun has begun to set. The whole time, Nyx has been fighting against any idea of Theo leaving the Keep. I can’t tell if he truly thinks Theo will do something wrong, or if he is still pissed at me from the other night in the library. He’s been putting himself between Theo and me ever since, preventing us from having any type of meaningful conversation.

“I don’t trust him not to take advantage of the opportunity. He will run at the first chance of freedom back to Lux and take all our secrets with him,” Nyx says, finally leaning back in his chair.

“Hiram, what are your thoughts on this? You’ve been oddly quiet during our little debate here,” I ask, tilting my head at my captain.

He pushes off the wall and steps toward us. He runs a hand through his hair, seeming to ponder over his response.

“I think we haven’t given him much of a chance to gain our trust. Besides the few times he’s been out of his cell with the queen, we’ve kept him locked away. Maybe we should see what he does,” Hiram answers with a shrug.

My smile is so wide it hurts.

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