Rogue's Paradise (Covenant of Thorns 3)

Author: Jeffe Kennedy
Category: Paranormal | Fantasy | Romance
Series: Covenant of Thorns
Total pages: 123

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Rogue's Paradise (Covenant of Thorns 3)

Faerie, the land of blood, magic, and betrayal…

At last, the fae lord, Rogue, has won everything. He has me in his home, his bed, and I’m desperately in love with him despite my best efforts and better judgment.

Did I mention I’m pregnant?

As our child grows inside me, the one I’m pledged to give to him, I still have no idea what will happen after the birth. Though Rogue is attentive in every way a woman could wish for, bringing me delirious pleasure and gifts beyond price, he still won’t—or can’t—tell me what game he’s playing. Or what the viciously sadistic Queen Titania has to do with our many bargains.

I’m most afraid that, if he betrays us, I’ll never be able to forgive him. Even though I can’t stop loving him.

As war threatens everything we’ve built, as my body swells with the enchanted pregnancy, I become more certain with every day that the true enemy lurks within our castle walls. And that the man I’ve vowed eternal commitment to, may be the last person I can trust…

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