Deviants (Badlands 2)

Author: Natalie Bennett
Category: Erotic | Horror | Romance | New Adult
Series: Badlands
Total pages: 85

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Deviants (Badlands 2)


Sick bitch


Out of my fucking head.

I’m not broken.

I’m just a little damaged.

I’m stronger now, stronger than I ever knew.

And it’s all because of him.

This is only the beginning but I already know how it’s going to end.

I’ll be claiming my throne and they’ll be buried in the dirt.




Out of my fucking mind

We both know how it’s all going to end.

The blood we shed will stain our hands.

There’s not a warning out there that could prepare anyone for this.

*Deviants is book two in the Badlands series and will conclude Romero and Cali’s story.

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