Apollo's Courtesan

Author: Amanda Meuwissen
Category: M-M Romance | Romance
Total pages: 26

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Apollo's Courtesan

Dax was always second best among the acolytes of Aphrodite, destined to remain in the shadow of his friend and rival, Aikos, when the time came for them to ascend as courtesans. But while Aikos sought freedom to serve many and no one through his favored tenet of their goddess—desire—Dax seeks another domain.
The god Apollo is broken and lonely after countless loses of mortal lovers, thinking his heart beyond repair. Or he did, until Aikos led him to a prophecy of a possibly mended future.
Where Aikos indulged in divine desires, Dax and Apollo choose courtship. Can they beat the odds against them of attaining love between mortal and god, or will the pasts that haunt them define their forever after?

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