Page 11 of Talon

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“To a safe house. No one can find you there.”

“A safe house?” I asked, frowning as his words sank in.No one can find you.

Fuck. That.

I did the only thing I could think of, self-preservation kicking in as I slowly lifted my hands, placing them against his chest. Our eyes remained locked as my palm rested over his heart, startled by how hard it thumped beneath my hand.

Before he could guess what I intended, I shoved as hard as I could, knocking him backward. He fell on his ass, surprised I managed to unseat him. A growl rumbled his chest as I scrambled to my feet, running toward my room. I reached it before he did, slamming the door shut and turning the lock before racing for my purse.

I never considered the fact that we weren’t alone. I figured whoever broke into my house would have left already. That proved a mistake.

A gun cocked as I froze, staring into dark eyes and down the barrel of a weapon that would obliterate me before I had a chance to blink.

The man wore a dark ski mask and dressed all in black.

Oh. Shit.

I should have trusted the biker and stayed with him. Wait. Didn’t he just check to be sure we were alone? How did thisintruder get inside without either of us noticing? Were we that caught up in one another?

How strange.

Talon banged on the door, and I jolted. “I know you’re scared, Abigail. Fuck. Open up.”

“I think we’ll let him join our game. Open the door,” the masked man ordered with a voice so familiar I could swear this wasn’t a stranger.

I slowly turned and walked to the door, flipping the lock and opening the door as Talon stood there, his body poised for action. “Help,” I whispered.

He already palmed his gun, aiming at the masked man behind me. “I’ve got you,” he promised.

After this, I believed Talon told the truth.

Caw. . .caw.

A crow pecked at the panes of glass at my window.

Another joined him, and another, until so many black wings flapped that I lost count. Why were they gathering like that? They would break my window!

The masked guy was startled, shifting his gaze, and Talon fired, hitting him in the chest. Twice. I saw the bullets strike his body and throw him backward with force. Blood began pumping from the wounds as he coughed and sputtered. Crimson fluid dripped from the corner of his mouth.

So much blood.

I covered my ears and screamed, making myself tiny as I lowered to the floor. Panicked and frightened, I tried to reach my bed and my purse. I had to leave! I needed to run!

Arms slid around my waist from behind as my back met a hard, muscled chest. “Shhh,” Talon soothed. “You’re okay. You’re safe.”

I sagged against him as my fingers gripped his arm. “Talon,” I whimpered. “He’s dead.”

“I know, beautiful. I’m gonna make this better. Promise.” His head turned, and his lips brushed my temple. “Will you trust me?”

I didn’t have much of a choice. My home had been invaded. My belongings were trashed. I didn’t know who hunted me or why. For a few seconds, I debated calling the police but decided against it. What could they do? How long would it take for help to arrive? I would just end up with a police officer for protection, and I knew that wasn’t as reliable as the man who held me. A biker outlaw stood a better chance against the hitmen sent from an unknown enemy.

“I can try.”

“That’s good enough for now,” he conceded, helping me to my feet. His hand grasped my chin. “I want you to keep your eyes on me or the door. That’s it. Don’t look down. Okay?”

I nodded, shaking as adrenaline coursed through me. “My purse.”

“I’ve got it. You need anything else?”
